16 days, 4kgs down. Cymbalta & duromine

  • Author Northbeach
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
This time last year i weighed 95kg. Im 25/f/180cm tall. I managed to loose 20kgs on my own over the last year with diet and excersize, im happy with my progress but i stll want to reach my goal weight of 65kgs, thats when i feel "beautiful". I whent from 65kgs to 95 kgs in about 2 years, it was disasterous, due to alcohol and bad eating habits. I never want to go back to that. So i on the 11th of jan i whent to see my doc to help me get thru the last of my bulge as i had sat on 80kgs for 3 months, and im stoked. I have managed to drop 4 kgs in the past 15days of being on duromine. I have had to make some serious choices, i was on cymbalta and it was interfering with my duromine. So i decided to quit cymbalta cold turkey.:oops: i have been off it over a week now and am feeling much more human. My mental health is stable and i have been wanting to get off cymbalta for so long, so this pushed me to do it. I definetly dont recommend anyone else do this. It has been tough.
And noone except you, my best friend & my doc knows im taking duromine.. im feeling positive and cant wait to be a size 10 again
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