20 days in

  • Author Healthy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hello I have been on duromine 30mg for 20 days I started at 122kg and am now 118,
I work night shift split through the week so on these days I take my pill around 4pm and go back to normal on my days off, is this okay? I eat pretty good always making sure it's low carbs and portions and exercise where I can, I thought I would have lost more weight bye now?
Thank you :)


Hello Healthy. Sorry, didn’t notice this post before answering you in the shoutbox. To add to what I said there… you might try to alternate your caloric intake. I mean eat as usually, for example 1200 cal a day, and one day of the week lower or up the caloric value by 10-20%, and continue as you were eating before. Best of luck!
Hi Healthy, how are you ? If I am not mistaking, your first month on Duromine is over. Are you going for the next round? Did you achieve more weight loss, after losing those 4 kilos? Wish you luck!

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