2015 Weigh in - Week 3

  • Author Big Girl SA
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Start weight when my weight loss journey began in June 2014: 114.7kg
Now 89.4kg
Lost so far: 25.3kg
Lost on Duromine: 18.3kg

Yes! I did it! I'm in the 80's! :p Only 29.4kg to go, it still seems a lot, but every little step makes a huge difference. Exercise has been good this week, but I have been getting shin pains when jogging, or wearing heels. I need to do some research on that..I still haven't been shopping for new clothes, and I absolutely need to make time for it this weekend. Seems like every week I have to put clothes aside that don't fit anymore. I decided to donate my big clothes, as I will never ever need them again. I took pictures today, and will be taking pictures again every 10kg lost, to enable me to see the difference. My next weight goal is to be in the 70's by my birthday in April, and my fitness goal is to be able to run a 5K by the same time frame. Totally reachable!

Wishing you all a lighter scale this week :)

Motivation for the week: The thing about reaching your goal weight is that its 100% possible. It's completely in your control. The only thing stopping you from getting there is YOU, so get out of the way.

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I agree))) It's all in our mind, we can achieve any goal! Just need to be patient, which is hard sometimes. You did a GREEEAT job!! As for the shin pains, they might be caused by excessive exercise (or exercise done improperly). Try to change jogging to brisk walk. Ah! Also your running shoes may be uncomfortable. Like, the most proper way to run - on toes, your heel almost must not participate in running. At least that's what a pro used to say when I was jogging on a treadmill.

I hope you will solve this problem asap. Wish you a greater loss! :)
Hi there
congradulations on your journey , for your shin pains you should visit the run-a-way sport and get yourself new running shoes, they will first assess you to determine which kind of shoes are best suited for you. They are a bit costly, but Hey, you deserve it , so go for it.


Blog entry information

Big Girl SA
Read time
1 min read
Last update

More entries in Week 3

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