3 Weeks In.....

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So after a full 5 days of feeling like death with flu, I am still very chuffed with myself about this weeks weigh in. Still feeling like I might pass out at any second from the flu meds but Duromine keeping my brain wide awake here goes.

So week One was a total of 5.9Kg
Week Two 1.8Kg
Week three...... Drum roll Please...... hahaha 3.3Kg
Total Weight Lost...... 11KG

So very proud of myself. Al tough I have found some negativity for my weight loss I don't care. I worked hard for those KG's and I have my own little support system rolled into one person aka diet hitler.

Hope everyone is have a fantastic weight loss week and that your weigh in's went just as great.

SW 138.9Kg
CW 127.9Kg
GW 75Kg
Total Lost - 11Kg
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