3rd Day of Duromine

  • Author missduromine
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well, Today is my 3rd day for Duromine.
Last night I still feel a little hungry.. (again, even I had dinner)
So I took Protein replacement drink and
psyllium husk to make my stomach feel fulled. It help me easier to sleep.

Today I took my pill at the same time 11am ( Dont want to take it earlier because I always sleep late and hungry..

Side effect kick in earlier than 2 days ago. It suppress my appertite better than yesterday too. I only hope that by the evening I wont feel headache.. because it was happen to me the 1st 2 days .. It make my head hurts..

My breakfast was scrumble eggs, sausages with side dish of cranberry salad..

I lost 1.6 Kgs so far..
my ideal weight is 65 Kgs

1/4/2015 at 89.2 kgs
3/4/2015 at 87.6 kgs

Tell myself to keep going and dont give up.. slow and steady..

Off to lunch..


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