3rd time a charm.

  • Author Miss Diet Addict
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 5 min read
Hello duro dolls
Im Mel from South Africa. Here is my long ramble on why I am on Duromines for the 3rd time .i have the typical story of a girl blowing up in her teens..my heaviest being 88kg at 15 years old. From then it would fluctuate between the late 80's. I had a good level of fitnes for a chubby girl because i walked to school daily (by choice..for the other countries.we have cars in africa.lol). it was a steady 45min walk and after school i would do pilates dvd workout. I still swear by them. Im 23 now.. And i can tell you that flexibility pays off in the sac..no matter the weight. At 18 i began to lose weight.i gymed occasionaly and ate less. Not on purpose..i went through a phase of not being phased by food..it helped within that year i lost over 20kg.

I was 19 and finaly a nice curvy size 34/ 32. a huge turn from a 38 I was 9 months proir and i didnt even have to crash diet.have a naturally hourglass shape so when I lose weight the tummy fat is the first to go. My stomach was so flat! It was unbelievable.. And the opposite sex started to notice that im actually a really hot chic with a lil JLo body vibe going on. Being young and desireble consumed me..i suddenly cared about my apprearance and invested in my looks. I got into my a glam persona I've been longing for..going out with friends, having champagne breakfasts with suitors and cocktail hours with the girls wearing 6inch heels and crop top cause the new body allowed. I even stopped having back pain from my enormous boobs..they went down from gigantic 40F to a sultry 36DD.I was the fashionista i always desired to become and without realising this new found popularity that filled the void of acceptance I left in my teens took over my life and became a heavy drinker and heavy socialite. There was no time for gym during my heavy hangovers and deadlines at school and waitressing job to keep up this party life. The restaurant food and alcohol piled on the weight. Within 6 months i gained 10kg. I was in the dreaded 70s.. I tried to escape with crash diets the master cleanse,the cabbage soup. id lose that 2 to 3 kg and pile them back. My weight didnt go above 78..i made sure of that...so last year Jan when i tried to start the year with a master cleanse I realised its tougher than I realised. My school mate introduced me to Duromine. Ahh my saving grace.

1St TRY: I bought the pills and took them first thing next morning. I felt normal then after an hour they kicked in. Boy oh boy did they. My mouth was so ashy and dry. No matter how much water i drank i still felt thirsty. I was alert but drained. I didn't feel hungry or even think about food and left for school without even eating breakfast. At about 3pm i started to feel drained nauseous and shaky.. Then it hit me. My body is telling me to eat. I had actually forgotten to eat whole day. My friend ran to the cafeteria and bought me a sandwich. I was too shaky my heart was beating in the oddest drum.like my ancestors are playing an off tune to call me to my fate. I sat on the bench waiting for her. While my head spun with dizziness. i ate the sandwich. It didn't taste the same. It had a bland unappetizing taste to it and the mayo was rather rich and greasy for my liking.that was strange. The chicken and mayo was my fav. After half a slice I felt better. I drank some juice and got my energy back slowly. And within 30min I had recovered.
As i got home in the noon i felt very drained. Not hungry just drained i took an hour nap and woke up better. When dinner time came again I was unappetized by the food. I took a dew spoonfuls and felt full. I knew they were appetite suppressants but i somehow didnt expect to be supressed in such an extreme way that im not only never hungry or mindful of food but food actually revolted me. Not all foods. The good food. Kfc smelt gross all of a sudden it was like my brain was suddenly disgusted by the creamy junk i live so much for..i craved something clean rather. A salad.

I carried on with duros for 3days and was forced to stop because on day 3 again I forgot to eat because I was not hungry and the extreme dehydration attack took place during an important test at school.. That i had to forfiet because i was having hallucinations and words were floating off the paper. I knew i needed to stop. Otherwise i will fail my semester.. And i did stop after 3 days of using it and feeling like a drugged up retard half the time. I lost 2kg though. That small leap gave me faith.

2Nd TRY: After months of that shocking experience with the drug.I decided to do something i didnt do before.Research it. Naive of me right. Just to be popping Schedule 5 drugs without researching them.. I gathered all the info I could over the net and testimonials gave me hope. I knew they work i just needed to use them right.
This time i eqquiped myself with a healthy fridge full of that oudourless salad i will crave once on duro. I did things by the book. Low carb protien shake for brekkie. A nice tasteles salad for lunch with an equally tasteless boiled chicken breast and soup at night. I snacked on fruits.. And when i felt the crash hour approaching id whip a plum from my bag. I didnt exercise though and within a month i lost 7kg.. I felt great... A lil too great and december came and I allowed myself to indulge in senseless festive boozing. I kept my diet very clean though..but the added calories in these cocktails blocked my progress and i stayed at 72kg.. I was ok with it because i told myself I will go back to the gym in jan.
2015 welcomed me and i signed for gym. I felt unstoppable. And gymed for a month and lost 4kg. That discouraged me extremely and i decided i will accept my curves... As i went back to my comfort zone of some sweet red after a long day and double bacon pizza after a long night. Im not a big eater but I'm a heavy drinker. I chose to accept my unimpressive flaws and forget about having an envy worthy body.but then something took place.

3Rd TRY: next month my smiles keeper will be celebrating his birthday with a huge weekend party. I knew the call for Duromine is back. I haven't gymmed in months and because i have the type of a body that needs a weight gain to be closely managed. When the party was finalised i knew i had to lose a few kilos.
Im currently 73.6kg yesterday i was 74.9kg..its my second day on duromine. I have strong ambitions of losing 7-10kg in the next 3 weeks for my mans party but ultimately 15kg for the next 3 months... And keep it off.. Im greatful for this forum because i really need support and combat the love handles for good. From time to time I'll post about my progress and show you pics.



hi there

I am also south african, read your blog and im interested to find out what progress you have made up to date?

I am on my second day on Duromine and need to loose about 13 kg's to reach my goal weight.

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Miss Diet Addict
Read time
5 min read
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