
  • Author StarryG
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
***WARNING - Long post alert!***

Ok, so I am on my third week of Duromine, so I thought that I would put everything into perspective so that I can make myself accountable. I'm not sure I want to count the first two weeks because I was on 15mg and am now on 30. I think I might start from last Saturday... my first weigh/measure in since before starting:

Age: 45
Height: 173cm
HW: 122.4kgs (5 yrs ago)
GW: 80kgs


I feel a little worried that I have suffered next to no side effects, and it makes me wonder if it is actually working. I was 116 when I started, then went down to 114.9 in the first two weeks, and then back up to 115.2 for the third. I just hope it is all worth it. I suppose at least I am trying a new approach to it all. I am practicing more mindful eating, listening to my stomach a lot more and questioning how it feels before stuffing my face. I've also started looking at portion control and at healthier recipes. Having said that, the healthy recipes isn't so much of a problem, I have loads of them from the first 15 gazillion tries at weight loss, but I need to combine it with portion control to be successful, I think.

I have read that a lot of the bloggers here are on 1200 cals a day. I would eat my left arm, and be eyeing off my right if I was on that little. I'd be totally miserable. So I have looked into my BMR and activity levels, and will stick to a daily intake of around 16-1700 calories. To make sure I stick to it, I'm logging food into a MyFitnessPal account.

I'm attempting to exercise nearly every day by either walking, jogging (yeah, half walk, half jog!) or strength work at home. And I have decided that I will not eat my exercise calories.

My mindset is still a work in progress. I'm nervous and determined all at the same time. I want to live a healthy lifestyle eating well and exercising, but I am afraid it won't work. I guess it really wasn't the right time to attempt to wean myself off Efexor either, huh! I started about a month ago going from 225mg to 150mg, and yesterday morning, I lowered again to 75mg. The first day is a bit stressful, the withdrawal isn't fun, but it only lasts 24 hours. I get foggy, can't remember things, can't speak more than a few words at a time because my mind is just blank. This is why I want to get off it. It is messing with my brain. I just have to keep monitoring my moods at the same time to make sure I am upbeat.

Final words...

So this week's challenge is:

  • To exercise every day except Sunday.
  • To go to bed at 9:30 every week night.
  • To cleanse my face every night before bed.

Good luck this week, everyone!
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Hey StarryG! Nice post! Having no to little side effects doesn’t mean that Duromine doesn’t work for you. Many people have no side effects, and just the appetite suppression. They even keep feeling hungry, but feel full from 2-3 spoons of food. So, if you consider your ability to eat before you started Duromine and after you did, you will probably notice the difference.

It’s good that you are using MyFitnessPal, it’s very convenient and will help you be accountable of what and how much you eat. Just remember… as you start losing weight, your BMR will be changing.. and your caloric value will need a re-calculation.

At the beginning, walking and jogging is a good thing. Still, if you’re really serious to go on, you should start toning the muscles of your entire body, so I would suggest you start doing the plank. No matter how much time you will be able to do it at first, this amount will get bigger as your muscles become stronger.

You know.. introducing any changes in your life is something that makes everyone fear of. We are always afraid that we won’t succeed. The paradox is… you won’t succeed if you don’t throw away all these fears and just start doing things. You are on your way to doing things regularly. I know you tried this and that, I’ve also been there, trust me. No one comes to using Duromine just to waste some time. If it’s hard to talk yourself into doing it for yourself and making this the reason to stick to it, make it your job!!! Write the schedule and tick it off. You know what reward is waiting for you in the end. The main thing is to tick it all off during the day. Find the time what it’s more convenient for you to exercise, when you have more energy. You should not look at the schedule 20 minutes before going to bed and realizing, you haven’t exercised, and you’re already too tired.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart to come off Efexor, and I am sure you can do it. It’s just 3 months of your life. Not too long… so rock it! Love the weeks’ challenge!


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2 min read
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