After Week 3 On Duromine 15 mg

  • Author rootesy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi again everyone,

Well this week has been pretty good as in eating but the weight loss was a bit of a disappointment as I am going to show you in a minute. I walked to work 4 times this week, I could of done a bit more but with three kids to look after and my wife works as well it is a bit hard to find time. I limited my eating but sometimes I over do it at dinner, I know I am full but I can not help myself. Sometimes the kids or the wife leave left-overs and I can't stand food going to waste, it's a bad habit :(

Tomorrow I am starting on Duromine 30mg instead of the 15mg because it was doing nothing for me. I still feel hungry all the time! So the stronger strength should get me back on track again... hopefully ;)
So here is my progress for this week...

Date: 20th of May 2011
Body Weight: 126.6kg
Weight loss this week: 0.3kg
Taking: Duromine 15mg

Weight loss to date: 6.3kg!

Even thou it was only 0.3kg this week but 6.3kg in three weeks is not bad I suppose. It is a bit of a kick in the guts but, I felt like I was pretty good this week and only lost that much. Anyways... a loss is a loss.

I will be back next week for the next weight in and I hope it will be better news with taking the 30mg ones.

Cheers :laughing:


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