And then there is a slip up :-/

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey everyone.. So this last week hasn't been a real good one.. It started Saturday arv I went with a few friends to footy and had a few drinks ended up at the pub... And had a great time..
But when there is a high there is a low.. I ate the next day and I ate carb full foods.. Damper dips chocolate and popcorn.. As my friends stayed and we had a movie night..
I just thought one weekend off my healthy eating wouldn't hurt..
Well I was wrong I gained 2kgs in 2 days!!!! :(((

I was very disappointed and felt very down I didn't even feel like training and almost gave up!
Then I shook it off pulled my head in had a teaspoon of cement and got back into it on Wednesday..

So my weigh in this week isn't very much of a milestone but I did learn from this!

Starting date: 13-5-13
Starting weight : 110kgs

Today's date : 12-7-13
Today's weight : 92.6kgs

Total weight loss: 17.4kg
Total weight loss this week: 0.3kg

They say you will have slip ups! And I have had a few.. This is my biggest because I didn't want to drink til I had reached my goal.. And this is the 2nd time I have done it.. So it's a personal let down I guess :(

Time to re focus the life lense and get back on track!!!!

I feel as though Im not just letting myself down but everyone who follows me so I'm doing this for me and you! :)


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