Another Newbie - Male -26 - Day 3 - Goal is 10kg loss

  • Author D*nn*y
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey Guys,

I'm in a similar boat, today is my day 3 on the 30mg.
Gym sessions have increased, energy levels are awesome and I'm finding overall I'm loving these tablets.

I'm a very active person, 26 and been training cross fit for 10month now 5 days a week high intensity for 45mins, have a solid diet (I'm on Lite n Easy 1500calories/day) and have continued to gain weight (fat), at the Drs on Monday I weight in at 94kg, yesterday 95.4 and today I'm in at 94 kg...will give weekly updates :)

Any who, was wondering if anyone else felt bloated? I'm drinking heaps of water and my diet is very well balanced. Prior to taking Duromine I got a blood test to ensure everything was 100% and this was my last resort as i have gained 10kg in the passed 12-18months.

Hopefully this is all just the 'teething' processes of the tablets kicking in.
wishing you all the best guys ! let me know how you go

Bring on Beach body's in 2014 hahaha !


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