Argh, Hit the Wall

  • Author MrsJ78
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day 4

I am struggling.I am starting to feel REALLY bloody hungry!

As I am doing optifast for breaky & lunch, I think I need a bit more food, so aside from a few extra pieces of fruit, I'm adding some raw veggies (carrot & cucumber) with maybe a tablespoon or 2 of salsa.

I am also feeling really lethargic & tired. I take my duromine at about 0630 am & I do get a spurt of energy for a few hours, then I crash & feel rubbish!

I have really upped my exercise, so I am hoping the tiredness & sluggishness will soon pass & is just the result of my body getting used to the extra activity! I am soldiering on & not letting the tiredness deter me, but I have to be honest; sometimes that 6 kilometre walk can be a chore!

I'm noticing a bit of a headache, which is slightly annoying. I am super proud of myself though, as for the last 4 days since the beginning of my journey I have eaten NO JUNK FOOD!!!!! Whatsoever! None! Now, prior to commencing duro, I would indulge in chips, lollies, biscuits, chocolate, fast food, packaged food etc etc etc, so I am telling myself the slight headache is my body's way of getting used to having no crap food.

Anyway, apologies for the rant. Just having an ordinary day. But, I keep telling myself the reward will be worth it! Day by day. This has to work for me, because I'm all out of options.


Hi, I don't want to tell you what to do but you are not eating enough. I have read on here and from personal experience that shakes (Optifast) and Duromine do not mix. My advice would be to eat little and often. The headache could be caused by not drinking enough water. I have that trouble too. I hate drinking water but really find it helps. I also have some zero coke, which i've been told is not very good for me (because of the artificial sweetner) but there's no way I can drink just water all day.
I have days when I feel exhausted but then the next day i'm okay again.
Great work with the exercise. It's hard to keep motivated sometimes. 6k is a long way to walk if you've not done any exercise before. I have a trainer twice a week (half hour session at a time) and for the other 3 sometimes 4 days I walk 3k (on the treadmill) - I have 1 day per week off. I'm in week 8 and although the weight loss has slowed down it's still coming off nice and steady.
PS. I even eat a couple of slices of pizza now and then. It doesn't do you any good to completely deny yourself of those little treats.
Keep up the good work - you got this :)
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