Blog entries by 10th time lucky

10th time lucky
2 min read
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Success stories
Good Morning! It sure has been a while since I have written an entry, and by a while I mean something along the lines of........about 8 months!! Apologies, but sometimes life really does get in the way! To say that the last 8 months has been a roller coaster ride, a big huge roller coaster...
10th time lucky
2 min read
Month 2
Hello again :) I haven't updated my blog for 2 weeks as i have been flat out with Christmas and not to mention school holidays! So im constantly trying to find things to entertain my very active almost 4yr old daughter! But thank god I have been emailing my blog to my brother weekly, because...
10th time lucky
2 min read
Month 1
So I have been going for 1 month now and I'm loving it!! I feel great, soooooo motivated and can really see a change in my shape!! I did 2 pump classes, 1 step class and 1 cardio class last week! Very happy with that :) However, on Saturday night, I went out and had a bottle of sweet white...
10th time lucky
2 min read
Week 3
A very good morning to you all!! Week 3.5 and I'm still going strong! I'm motivated and very encouraged by the fact that my clothes keep getting bigger on me!! I had my measurements done on Monday and they are as follows: Chest 115.5cm (7.5cm lost so far) Waist 108cm (14cm lost so far)...
10th time lucky
2 min read
Week 2
Good morning :) Today makes 2 weeks and 2 days since I started my lifestyle change. I feel great!! I have exercised 6days this week (at the gym) an hour each time and done 2 pump classes!! I have continued to replace 2 meals a day with herbalife protein shakes and have a small dinner of...
10th time lucky
2 min read
Week 2
Day 11 of my duromine journey. I think I have hit the point of no return! You know, when u get to that point when you actually LOVE going to the gym and get grumpy if u don't go!l it is such an amazing feeling, and gives me soooo much more energy for the rest of the day!! I have been going...
10th time lucky
2 min read
Day 5
Good morning world! So today is day 5 of my journey,and I have to say, I really am proud of how I am doing. I feel that I have achieved 2 (of many!) milestones so far!! 1st: I have taught myself to drink (and enjoy) herbal teas, with NO sugar!! Very happy :) 2nd: I have been to the gym 2...
10th time lucky
2 min read
First time
So this would be about the 10th different form of weight loss I have tried. And you guessed it, to date nothing has worked. Im not going to blame the programs, I'm going to blame ME! After all, I'm the one who lost interest and lacked self control, right? So here I am trying duromine, with all...