Blog entries by Karen D

Karen D
1 min read
Week 4
Hi Everyone It’s been another week and what a rollercoaster it has been, I have been working hectic hours and my two doggies when for an operation. On top if that we had 3 dinner nights and a kid’s party at our house the past weekend. So yes it’s been hectic ad I have to admit that I have not...
Karen D
2 min read
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Week 3
So it’s been another week and it’s been a good one for me…… I’m feeling great at the moment to be honest, I use to have a very short temper but since Duromine it’s like I’m more relaxed and willing to look at thing in a better way. I don’t have a lot of side effects either… still have a slight...
Karen D
1 min read
Week 2
Hi All Yip it’s been a week again and I feel great….. I had my ups and downs this past week, but got back on my feet and kept pushing. So my eating has gone great except for Saturday and Sunday:oops:…. I slipped a bit. Saturday I had 3 Latte’s and ate my chicken with its skin on…. Not too...
Karen D
1 min read
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Week 1
Hi, so it’s been a week since I weighed myself and I have not lost as much as I had hoped but it’s a loss and it feels good….. My diet consists of: Breakfast- Ultima 1 Shake & Cup of Tea (7 -7:30AM) Snack- Yogurt (11AM) Lunch: Ultima 1 Shake (1:30 -2AM) Dinner: Boiled egg (if I could get...
Karen D
1 min read
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Day 2
So yesterday went really well, had no craving at all :p . I did still get hungry at times but a small nibble on a piece of fruit helped and only 1 or two piece and I felt full. I did some research on the Ultima 1 number one weightless and energy shakes and it seems great so I baught it . I’m...
Karen D
1 min read
Day 1
Well today is day 1 of me taking Duromine. I’m excited about my journey and my goal is to lose 18kgs by the 01/11/2013.**** 80 Days*** I have had a roller-coaster two years behind me and I turned to food to comfort me, but its time I live for me again get myself confidence back. I weight 78kg at...