Blog entries by Mother of One

Mother of One
Mother of One
1 min read
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Week 1
I just finished my first week of 30mg of Duromine! Yay Dry mouth comes and goes, headaches are the same, I'm starting to get a shorter fuse with my son being clingy and naughty but, I am taking the times to assess everything going on and if me going off or telling him off is going to do anything...
Mother of One
Mother of One
1 min read
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Day 3
Taking my tablet around 5am, so I can get sleep at night. I'm getting headaches, dry mouth (gone away today) that's about it for side effects... I've been waking up bright and early! And not groggy like I have been. Which is awesome! It took me about 5 minutes to get out of bed instead of the...
Mother of One
Mother of One
1 min read
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Day 1
Day one; Started at 6am, wasn't as groggy when I woke up at 8. Been buzzing around all day, been happy, dry mouth is a bitch, but drinking plenty of water. Food; sushi, BBQ. Plenty of water and a can of alcohol ( forgot you're not meant to drink with Duromine )
Mother of One
Mother of One
1 min read
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First time
Finally got it! Hooray, can't wait to start gomorrow 23/7/2016 Dinner; subway (with cheese) + small Wendy's shake Had a 500ml cider.
Mother of One
Mother of One
1 min read
OFF Duromine
Even without Duromine, I've been still exercising and eating healthily, before I get my script filled. I weighed in today, from 86.5 (normally I was a 88 or 87 on a good day, got myself down to 86.5 without budging) To a staggering 84.1!!!! Lowest I've been in ages!! I can't wait to see the loss...
Mother of One
Mother of One
1 min read
First time
Haven't got my script filled yet :( But I have been getting my motivation back, which is awesome Been looking at summer dresses and bikinis :O I've never been able to wear one, so it's a bit exciting. Fingers crossed I at least lose 17kg (getting me down to 70kg) before my sons bday but hoping...
Mother of One
Mother of One
1 min read
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First time
So I went to my doctor and explained everything; how I can't lose weight no matter what I do. I can get to 84kg then gain it back (87kg) even with exersice and 'dieting' and trying out shakes and teas, detoxes no luck since having my son & going on the mini pill :( He has only ever written out...