Back again

  • Author madhatter
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I stopped my last duromine journey in June 2016 because hubby and I decided to have another baby I fell pregnant July 2016 and my darling has just turned one and as of a week ago officially weaned off the boob juice so I'm back on duro (yay)

Day 1 took my tablet with 3 weekbix skipped lunch just wasn't hungry didn't have a horrible dry mouth like last time so didn't think it was working so I started doing a major clean to see if it would kick start it ..nothing .. Light headaches but that could of been because I cut soft drink out cold turkey, started to fall asleep on couch around 3/4pm only ate dinner until I wasn't hungry not so I was full I felt over it past out as soon as my head hill the pillow

Day 2 , down 1kg since day 1 woke up the thought of food put me off so I didn't eat brekkie had a wrap for lunch then nothing until dinner I cooked a roast pork with potato and veg and crackle , I only ate the veg and 3 little baby potatoes and was full went to bed at 11 (instead of my usual 9pm) and just laid there until about 1am and kept waking up through out the night, still no dry mouth

Today is day 3 down another 1.3kg (total of 2.3) was really busy this morning so I didn't eat brekkie had 4 kiwi fruits for lunch and was full I noticed my mouth isn't dry but I do keep licking my lips and sucking my tongue (unusual for me) had a a few chips and chicken wings for dinner actually finished my meal not full but satisfied, slight headache coming on got a little shakey today before I ate lunch, pretty awake right now tho so hopefully tiredness will kick in soon

I'm really trying to Make myself eat so hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I actually eat something decent during the day

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Hello Madhatter! Looks like you’re doing pretty well with Duromine this time. and the weight loss in the first two days is quite considerable. You’re not a newbie to Duromine, so you know a little of what to expect when it comes to the way you lose weight on Duromine. =) Wish you a lovely day and good meal planning. Best of luck! Cheers

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2 min read
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