Back from Fiji holiday 14 days & weight gain of 4.8kg :(

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Bugger oh well that's life... Back on the Duromine today feeling positive I will continue on my journey
Start weight 110.3kg
Current weight 99.7kg
Goal weight 70kg


That's not so bad. I hope you enjoyed every minute of it. At least you know what to do to get on top of it and not let this be a setback that gets out of control. You have to have a holiday now and then. You will now be rested and energised to tackle this head on. Great to have you back.
Thanks Sharon :)I have been sticking to my cals, gardening & using the walker ..and I like the feeling of being in control again I have learnt something over these past months that I really really want to get to my goal weight & I am human and I will have setbacks the important things is that I will get back on track :p Wish me luck for the week ;)
Hellooo Sharon .. so good to see you again !! sounds like your trip was fab, and worth it too !! so now you back ,and the holiday is over and reality kicks in again, and u rejuvenated and ready to get back on track again ??.. this is life and a pattern we do not EVER enjoy having to get back on the band wagon, but once we on and dusted ourselves off and licked our wounds, we all good to go right ??... THIS IS WHY I LOVE AND NEED THIS FORUM IN MY LIFE even if it is but for a season, knowing I am not alone on this tuff journey is so comforting and rewarding ,and it is on going, you gals are my friends for life, because we share a vulnerable bond of struggle that only we can conquer ourselves but together if that makes sense ....I thought being away from you all for so long I was going to be the only one licking my wounds and failures , and you would all be on a high because of your huge losses and almost at goal weight ..But I was soooo thankful to see, it was not MY circumstance, or excuse of my circumstance that kept me back , or my lack of sticking to my plan but that life has an unexpected turn for ALL of us each day, and we ALL face our struggles each day, as best we can , and sometimes we lose our way, or get caught up in the moment and fain deeply , but the gr8 part is, WE , ALL of us here, are honest enough and bold enough to come back each week and write it down in black and white and say hey I failed again today but I am going to go ON ...Reading your posts again and everyones comments, and comfort and understanding , and friendship and camaraderie that oozes from these pages each week, gives me hope and courage to face another "LEIGH" DAY ,and get on with it .... THANK YOU LADIES , lets hit this week of events out the door and BRING ON the next weeks challenge, we can do this ,GO ,GO GOAL .... XX

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