Back on track & owning up to having a few to many treats a gain of 300gm start of week 24

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well hi everyone & happy new year this is going to be our year yeah!! Team Duromine :p
Well have eating lots of yummy treats, however I did manage to keep portion sizes to a minimum .... Not my previous pig out amounts lol :p alcohol what's alcohol manage 1/2 glass of Moët to welcome in the new yr, however it took me about an hour to drink it :eek: I learnt my lesson I can't drink copious amounts of champagne anymore :confused: Which is not a bad thing, however I did sucome to the bloody lyndt peanut butter balls who was the idiot who invented them, they are deadly to a person on a weight loss journey:eek: so I have eaten them all there finally gone gone gone never to be seen again!!!!!
I am back at work back in control and back on track more determined than ever to get to my goal... Still haven't exercised this week however.. have been doing a million things around the house garden sorting, clearing all the Christmas decorations & the tree is finally put away until next year.. Oh yes and shoping the sales are amazing I have brought some new clothes as I looked ridiculous in the my size 22 .... Now in a loose 18 tight 16 however I have purchase the 16's as I want to be wearing them in the next few weeks.
Start weight 110.3kg
Current weight 84.9kg
Goal weight 70 kg
Loss to date 25.4 kg
Wishing everyone a fantastic week with a lighter scale :):):):):)
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Big Girl SA
Hi Shelly,

You go girl! You are such an inspiration to me and many others on this site. Today I woke up feeling like I can't do this anymore, like I wanted to give up, but after logging onto the website and seeing all the progress, as well as looking at my own, I cant just throw in the towel!
I have also started taking out clothes that are too big, lol, I need to go shopping urgently. I have nothing to wear to work, and that was, funny as it sounds, the reason for me having such a bad start to today. There is nothing worse than having to go to work, and not having anything to wear, although, I should be celebrating, because its all too big, and not to small!
Good luck for this week ;)
oh !! my dear weightoss friend, , chocolate is m ENEMY toooooo!!!
well done on all the chores and keeping active around the house, if only we lost loads of weight while doing it , like we do when we exercise, hey ? enjoy ALL !!! YOUR NEW SIZE 18 AND 16 CLOTHES, !!! must feel sooooo good .. gr8 motivator, indeed .. YOU DOING WELL, LOVE YOUR POSTES!! keep going strong !!! ...
Thanks Leigh & biggirl I'm happy that you enjoy reading my blogs :) :)... BG I do exactly the same when I need motivation I look back at my previous blogs & read about my journey to inspire me to keep going it really works ... Don't ever give up girls on yourselves girls we have come to far to go back wishing you both a fabulous week x

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