
  • Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Day seventeen on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Woke at 9am took tablet, couldn't attempt breakfast- felt like fingers were being inserted into my throat at the mere thought of it.. I knew that i wouldn't be home much today so by 9.30am i had dance central crankin. While i enjoy the game it clearly focuses more on technique and until some of the more complicated sequences are learnt and mastered its not possible to do a dance seamlessly which can effect the total workout experience. I can feel myself building up a sweat but the dances in just dance 3 (in general) had a more aerobic feel to them until i discovered body movin by the Beastie boys.. I rocked that sh!t six ways from sideways!!! I seriously love the dances that have a fast beat that i can throw myself into totally and move to with maximum emphasis. Makes me feel alive :) after 4 times doing this one dance i finally achieved a state of total breathlessness that made me feel like i was going to die- IT WAS AWESOME! Played for 45 minutes. At roughly 11am i had some fried rice with baked chicken. The chicken was reasonably nice but the rice was total crap, it was like they had used frozen veg- you know the kind, a mix of square carrots, peas and corn and was flavoured with some sweetly sour disgusting tang like a mix of underarm juice and sweaty socks.. It wasn't nice. Never buy fried rice from a poultry shop.
I remembered to take my water to my brothers house but couldn't really carry anything else on top of the party paraphernalia so i didn't end up taking a meal replacement with me. I avoided the party snacks and fizzy drinks like they carried the plague and went outside with my little man and played chasey for about 15 minutes, not that i can claim to have been running the entire time.. It was more like run run run walk walkwalkwalk oh all right runrunrunrun walkwalkwalk stagger runrunrun.. Well you get the picture ;)
For tea at 5pm as suspected the pizza came out to play, by this time i had been suffering from nausea and a headache that was just getting progressively worse for a little over an hour and the smell of the pizza had me hurtling into the toilet to yack my guts up. After standing outside for a few minutes i managed to re enter the room and after drinking some water i even managed to eat one small slice of pizza and enjoy it. Drank 2.5 litres of water today. After staying up until 4am last night baking and frosting things i am reasonably tired and thinking of getting an early night, my other niece has her 5th birthday in a fortnight so i need to plan a cake and treats for her too. More pizza o_O My sons birthday is roughly a fortnight after this and as i get to provide the food i need to determine a menu that will leave everyone happy and that i can eat gladly, then less than a fortnight later is his official party- i think i will just take a salad to that as the food will be mostly cakes, popcorn,fairy floss and corn dogs. Well I'm off to bed to stress about the details until i sink into the oblivion of sleep :) night everybody.


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