Can things get any worse for me ... REALLY ???

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I HAVE HAD THE WORST 3 months of trials trying to lose this weight , I have no idea why this is all happening ..It took me two months to recover from a heel injury {caused by exercise } just got back into the gym, and two days later was as sick as this week, two days of pure agony flu like symptoms, fever,etc, doc will check for blood, as it is possible I as bitten by a mozzie and have Rose river fever.. whatttttt !!!! ???? I REMAIN POSITIVE ...

I HAVE to make a honest choice on going back onD for long term. or quitting this idea completely and accepting that exercise and calories in ,will take longer for me to lose weight but at least lose and not gain any of it back again.....

my body cannot seem to find a happy place, since being on the extra thyroid tabs, my weight has just stopped and my body has too.. Hoping doc will figure out what all the trouble is , my head is right for this challenge ,just wish my body would comply... SO SICK OF the ups and downs ...Hoping you all having a gr8 week of success
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You are half way there Leigh.
You have stuck with it and you are trying to remain positive. Imagine if you had given up at the first hurdle, where would you be now?
Just stick with it. Try not to let it get you down and one day everything will align and sort itself out and you will be in a position to take advantage of that.
Most people faced with the hurdles you have would not have persevered, so really you have had a huge win just by not getting discouraged.
Imagine what you will be able to achieve without any hurdles.
As they say: Trouble doesn't come alone. I hate such periods of life too. It seems everything's fine, then bam! You get sick. Trying to get better, then comes another thing and another... Frustrating, especially when you are trying to lose weight. But speaking of you Leigh, you've always seemed to me as a very persistent person (though we didn't met in person), you were here almost everyday and I have always found your posts very positive and so encouraging you know that. Now, it's our time to support you. And I'm telling you that you need to keep going no matter what. Even if you don't lost more weight, you at least will not gain some. And I believe that anybody loses weight sooner or later if he or she adheres to the same plan and never returns to his old lifestyle. I know these are just words, but sometimes they are enough, right? A sufficient weight loss takes so much time, ask Smick;) but her example shows that everything's possible and you too will be there sooner or later. You have lost quite weight already, so go on, stay strong, post regularly and time will fly by and your body will move from this plateau mode, it will!
Look how many new friends you found here:) Everything is going to be OK!
Good morning ladies, thank you for your words of encouragement, they were truly needed ..I WILL SHARE MY NEW NEWS on a new blog entry to you all.. have a gr8 week and thank you for your love and support, it means a lot to me , and yes Kate, you are ALL awesome NEW friends, glad I know you all even it if is just t in writing , lol ...x

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