Can't See A Thing

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
At the end of week 3 I'm 3kg down. I can't see where, though. I'm 156cm and my starting weight was 68kg. Usually for my height you can really see a 3kg loss but not this time. Perhaps because I started off more overweight than I've ever been so when there's more to lose its less obvious in the beginning? Idk . . . I am a tad disappointed but I guess a 3kg loss when you had 8kg to lose is pretty good? Doc wants to get me down to 60kg. Hope to be there by early March.
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3 kg loss is fantastic congrats keep going strong you will reach your goal sooner than you think:)
Hello Shelley.
Well done 3kg is good. You won't see it because you look at your body everyday. I bet someone who hasn't seen you in the past few weeks will notice.
Sorry post to Stormgirl ( I am new here) lol

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