
  • Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day three on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
So apparently peas are reasonably high in carbs, i nixed them from the meal plan last night and had 96% fat free tabouli.. went great with the steak. Got at least 6 hours sleep last night. Woke up at ten past six today so took my tablet a little late. Was hungry when i woke so had two pieces of toast with cheese for breaky then ate again at 5pm. Is there really such a thing as fat free bacon? The wrapper claimed it to be so. Tasted good wrapped in lettuce n cheese for tea. The whole low carb diet is going reasonably well.. Drank 4 litres of water yesterday, only managed 3 today. Not suffered from a dry mouth yet so thinking I'm probably keeping hydrated enough.
Did 1.5 hours of just dance 3 today, think i must have taken it easier than yesterday- even though i did the same songs plus some because yesterday after 45 minutes i was really short of breath, my face was all mottled purple and i was probably like 2 minutes away from cardiac arrest and today i was sweaty and red faced but not really puffed out. Only thing i can think of is yesterday i started off with the faster, more energetic songs and as i was a little sore today i started off slow and increased the tempo gradually. Even yesterday when i was gasping like a fish out of water it was only moments before i was breathing regularly again.. In the past just walking up the hill to my sons kindy has had me breathing heavy for 5 minutes. Perhaps its a result of the duramine accelerating your normal heart rate so it takes less time to drop back to where it started. Perhaps.
Trying hard to stay positive and focused on the whole end goal.. Its really hard to imagine that anything is going to change.. Probably best not to contemplate that for too long. Take each day as it comes, concentrate on maintaining a low carb, low calorie diet and try to be active.. daily and not just when i need to walk to the fridge ;)


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