Confucius (BANTING or NO BANTING L - Low Carb and Natural Sugars for NOW………DAY 4)

  • Author Lady_G
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey everyone :laughing:

So I’ve tried banting from Sunday 07/09/2015 and it lasted only for two days :oops: I think. Yesterday and today I was forced to eat some raisins to increase my sugar intake because I had NO ENERGY WHATSOEVER :(and constant pounding headache. Now I know apart from the exercising it could also be that drinking less water has made the withdrawal of sugar and carbs PLUS the duromine 30mg symptoms much more harder to cope with!!!!!! I’ve always had about 6litres of water a day. Thinking water is so good for you, helps you lose weight and other health benefits. Sunday and Monday I had about 12litres of water per day cause of the dry mouth I experienced! Monday evening my husband was so shocked and warned me about too much water consumption and told me that his Dr advised him that 2 – 3litres are the maximum intake and if you’re consuming more than that it could lead to death or other dreadful happenings! SO instantly I went on google! To my surprise all of what he said was so true! So there goes my way of coping with this dry mouth saga! All that water helped with the dry mouth, headaches and actually I think kept me from becoming bored and wanting to snack!

I’m still sticking to the banting green and orange list and avoiding the red but I had to add some raisins to my diet to give me some much needed energy! I’m snacking on it after 5pm today as I made a mistake of eating it after my 9pm and could only manage to fall asleep after midnight. I’m going to investigate regarding the raisins as I DO NOT see it on the red, green or orange list. I might be overlooking it somewhere. So if any of you have any idea if this is allowed could you please tell me! That’s the only cheat I’ve had since Sunday (if it’s not allowed) if it’s allowed I’m still on track lol

I have a Question? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

I’m not sure if this discussion is allowed but have you noticed a change in your sex life? (NO Details needed LOL) Please comment, I’d like to share my experience and hear yours as I’m not sure whether this is a good thing or bad thing:confused:o_O! I’m concerned but don’t want to discuss this with my GP:rolleyes:!!!!!!!


HEY Ladies - So Ive spoken to my Dr and apparently the contents of duromine does in fact increase the libido..........I took myself off duromine for the month of October after considering birth control and will continue November....Im so sad to report Ive gained 2kg's while being off but I can say Ive expected a much bigger gain cause Ive been so bad, junk food, chocolates, wine etc....

Im very excited for the months to come and will get back to routine in no time.....
Thanks for reading and feel free to comment

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