Count me Back on the Duro-Train..!!

  • Author Deanna78
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Four days off and I am rested, sorted and ready to jump back onboard.. I have put on 1.5kg in that time- Crikey...!! So back up to 75kg.. Its a heavy 75kg.. I am only 153cm tall and ideally a weight within low to mid 50's is right for me.. I have this fat ring around the base of my neck, I cant see my collarbone and my tummy sleeps next to me at night. It also works well as a shelf for my boobs.. My butt is a bumpy mess and my arms.. Geees - one arm per side would be nice!! So yes - picture painted... I'm not a small 75kg!

I weigh in usually of a Friday morning, so will continue with that.. and with my 4 day break, paid for with a 1.5kg gain.. I am ready to rejoin you all and to make this work - properly this time!!

CW: 75kg
Next Goal: 72 (would like it to be 68, but have to be real, I suppose)
Then: 68
Then: 64
Then: 58 omg omg omg
Then: 54 OMG OMG OMG

Looks easy when its broken down like that- doesn't it.. o_O
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Managed to get a new script for month 2! I've got renewed zest too. My lower back has come good so I'm looking forward to gym again.
Hehe.. yeah!! So nice to know you girls are here on this journey too!! I was actually thinking of you both and Vix and BamBam this morning on my way to work... It's a mysterious friendship.. a Meaningful and Joyful union.. well - thats how I feel anyways!
Welcome back lovely, omfgggg your funny!! Haaaaaa
It's good when we can make fun of ourselves , saves others doing it huh.
You just feel lumpy and bumpy I'm sure But god I love the way you wrote it!!
After I had been on Dukan a while and lost a bit if weight I said to my husband after seeing a pic of the old me was I reallyyyyyy that big (I thought I looked OK!) but yes he described me as being a barrel haaaaaaa I honestly didn't see it! But looking at the pix and believe me a friend is snap happy and EVERY PIC goes on Facebook ! Jesus you'd look like you had 2 heads or had had a stroke and helloooooo its on Facebook! She never thinks but I guess lucky she did as I saw just how big I was!! Now she's kind of my incentive as I KNOW every pic is put up for the world to see...... Yes even if you do look like princess Fiona ! She has no filter
You'll be at 72 in no time lovely then it's only down from there Xxx
Hiya Vix... Facebook and I aren't buddies.. and if i see a camera pointing my way - I'd sooner lift my skirt over my head than have my head captured resting on top of this strange shape... My kids hear me say I will just tuck my legs up and roll to the shops.. Its so strange to see ones-self in the mirror and somehow be okay with it... but show that same image through the print of a photograph and there's a feeling of embarrassment and shame.. for me anyways... My partner is a bit of a podge these days - and to appease myself, I sometimes hear myself call him toad-tummy... (not very nice of me - but... ohh well - bugger... hehe).. sometimes he is just such a jerk - Toad-tummy knocks him off his self-righteous perch...

Weigh day tomorrow - not sure I want to see yet.. might wait another week.. want to see at least 72...

Whats your next little goal - on the way to your tattoo?

Been watching glimpses of the Olympics... those Aussie Beach Volley Ballers - Shheeeshh... have you seen how many men (and women) seem to stop to watch them play.. doubt it has anything to do with the actual game... hmmmph..!!

Duromine - look and see... provide me a body like those - will you please...
Shed me of my soft and lumpy butt
And allow my knees a less shady spot..
Put me in those little green nundies...
Without them rolling beneath my tummies...

Yep - a little envious of our Olympic Volley Ballers..
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Lol how did I miss this post!
God your funny! I call mine Buddha cause he is Chinese and has a tummy like Buddha

Oh my next goal I'm 1.5 kgs from that will bring me to my 10kgs if I count the week before Duromine , so yep I've earnt that damn tattoo
I sat down and redesigned my tattoo on the weekend and sent it off to my guy.... So excited more pain lol

Oh did you weigh? Sorry not sure how I missed this post! Or are you waiting another week?
Nah I've not got TV Well have to but can't get any channels so I just watch movies or Netflix !!
But did read today about the guys d**k knocking off the pole Bahaaaaa!

Hope your going well xxx
Hiya Vix.. didn't weigh in.. waiting another week... 10kg almost down for you- yeay!! Oh how i wish I could say that too.. think Im only about 4 down in 2 months..

Buddha is a nice nickname.. rub his tummy for luck.. !! .pretty sure Jason would confuse that for foreplay - haha!!

Would love to somehow come see you when you are on the gold coast in October.. not sure how to safely figure that out.. Think it would be great to laugh with you in person..

I didn't see the athlete bang his bits on a pole today (hahaha).. but I did see a horse stop before an equestrian jump, his rider topple over his head and his ass smack on the edge of the jump prop thingeme.. he srood up and hobbled off (the rider that is).. ohhh so funny!!

Had today off work.. was nice just to do bugger-all for the day..
Hi Mumo3girls..

I want to be one too!!!
Pmsl at the foreplay comment.. It doesn't take them much does it!
And the pole faulted penis was highlight of my night hahahaha
Hi ladies
Ohhh yep mine def things it's for play bahaaaaa, bloody men!
Omg I'm missing out on too much funny stuff with the olympics!! need TV I think!
Good luck with weigh in tomorrow Deanna!! If you decide to hop on, if not then next week You'll be fine I'm sure.
What's the heaviest you ladies have ever been?
Mine was 120kgs!! And yep still didn't see the barrel shape
Lowest was 77 over a year ago but my body was stuffed and depression had hit me hard, and I looked yuck yet think I'm supposed to be in the early 60's . Will NEVER happen I'm more happy between 80-88 and don't have the ribs and hips sticking out like an anorexic person anything under 80 that happens and my kids laugh at me and the back turns to a dinosaur bony yucky bumpy thing ☹️
I hold my weight in my legs!! Built like a brick shithouse is how my parents used to describe me lol and no matter how small I get I still hold it in my legs! Guess you can hide that but still I hate dresses and prefer jeans and workout gear and there's no hiding those things in Lycra
Have a great day lovelies xxxx
my heaviest was about 96kg I think. Right now, I'm about 77kg, my first mini goal is 73kg
It's a mini goal! My goal goal is 58kg but I'll take 60kg! Lol
Hi girls.. my heaviest 78.5.. I am happiest at 57-58.. doesn't seem heavy to some.. but for me.. I am considered obese. Only 153cm tall. My weight was a super fast massacre and this I guess is why my shape is like a big ole egg... i carry fat on my tummy, my arms and my butt... and my chin, neck and chest..

Sometimes I feel full of air and fluid.. what a shame a wee and a massive fart don't help deflate anything..

Oh Dear.. Beach Volleyball is on.. ive been working (in bed) and here he is.. now next to me.. remote in hand and he us STUCK on the beach volleyball... yeah, yeah.. as if.. !! Think its time to lean my butt towards him, reach for my coffee from the side table - and fart right at him..

(I did say I am a rough and tumble kind of girl, remember... who happens to like the option of Femininity ..).. good thing that or I would have to blame the cat..
Lol omg your sooooo like me Deanna!!
My husband and I are like chalk and cheese, he's a GM and prim and proper and I am like the total opposite ! Don't give a shit what people think and not one to play nice if I don't like people. Well I do like people but will not go out my way to change myself for "his people" if they don't like me as I am then bugger off. Simple. I don't have to work with them lol and I think that's where the tattoos and piercings come into play, They are not seen as " acceptable" I think but omg who cares like I said if they don't like it piss off . Can't please everyone right.
Omg still cracking up about your farts go you!!
OMG I was truely a HUGE monster when I see how little you guys were compared to my hearty 120kgs,
I'll have to find some pix to add to my folder and you can see how huge I was!! Shocking when I see them now but hey I thought I was still ok , Jesus more like blind and dumb!!
Have a great day guys xxxx
Hahahaha... really like my time with you girls...
I went to the supermarket with my husband yesterday and he reached over to put his arm around my waist. I waited for his hand to touch my waist but it took a second longer than expected. He looks back at me and goes "you know you've told me you've lost weight but I just realised you have indeed because I was so sure there was more there and my hand would have stopped sooner!"

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Love it..!!! How great is that Aurora!!! :)
Special moments like that are such great motivators... xx

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