Dance central

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 7 min read
Day fifteen on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Completely unrelated but my son says fiveteen for fifteen :) so stinkin cute.
Anyway i think i can safely assume that so far my blog has demonstrated if nothing else that i am possessed of a serious case of verbal (or in this case written) diarrhea and that my mind is easily distracted as i flit about from subject to subject.. Also i am filterless- i think it i say it, type it, do it. My point? I forget.. Annnnyway..
I have felt most distracted and somewhat balmy today.. All day. Attended the midnight toy sale at big w last night- I was EXCITED. I was an IDIOT. Arrived at, lets say quarter to midnight, saw perhaps 15 people and thought well hell. There were more people than i expected to see brave a chilly night at so late an hour but still, i hate the crowds on the first day of toy sales.. Really hate doesn't do the sentiment justice i loathe despise detest and abhor them. Sentiment still lacking. I'm all for a positive spin so i think to myself, shopping with a limited group of people, how bad can that be. Famous last words anyone? When the Centro security guard came out at 5 minutes to midnight to sternly advise us that if he saw any sprinting or running inside he would eject people from the building i couldn't help but scoff (unfortunately a little loudly as he shot me a look clearly indicating he was NOT my number one fan) cause like who was going to run hell for leather at toys especially clad in slippers and robes as most of the assembled crowd were.. Goes to show what i know.. A minute to midnight and the countdown ensued, looking around i realised what had been a small group was now a throng of people numbering at least 50. The doors opened and people spilled into the store- it was pandemonium. I ended up waiting in a layby cue that stretched right around the store for over two hours. Never again. NEVER.
Once home i sat in the lounge but by 4.30am i knew i needed to doze, so i set my alarm for 7am because if my son missed the ALL NEW episodes of lazy town again (thanks for that ABC) I can honestly say i would be in fear of my life. A tyrannical 4yo first thing in the morning? I would rather listen to one direction until my ears bled (as a result of trying to escape my face and such a cruel torture clearly).
Waking up was hard, thankfully people aren't trained to eradicate zombies on sight or i would have a rather nasty looking head wound. Took my tablet and ate a mandarin for breakfast then set about kindy drop off and shopping. The prospect of shopping being a rather lacklustre one at that point. Did some more shopping for my nieces birthday on Saturday, got cake ingredients :) doing a pink butterfly cake and also some pink frosted cupcakes garnished with chocolate butterflies- or blobs if they don't work out i guess, on top.
Apparently i am a glutton for punishment so i returned to big w to put on another layby with things that i had missed the night before.. In comparison to the night before it was deserted o_O figures huh.
Big w had advertised a dancing game- Dance central for $15 on the kinect, i wasn't really expecting it to be there but it was so i did a happy dance and excitedly started chatting to my boys father about how i was really looking forward to mixing up my routine as i feared i was becoming complacent in that i could anticipate moves and wanted to vary my workout so i didn't become bored and how i wanted to use the different moves to work different muscles / areas. Was a bit crest fallen when the two girls with the trolley in front of me started discussing how amusing it was that people thought that they were doing a workout when they were playing a video game. Firstly i know i shouldn't have been listening in to their conversation but as we were in close quarters i couldn't help but overhear them mocking my efforts or miss the snide and dismissive glances that they were shooting my way. As my sons father had gone outside for a smoke and taken my phone there were no distractions from the tedious eternal waiting or the people around me.
I disappointed myself again. I let the comments of two vapid snarky people completely crush me when I knew what they were saying was ignorant and untrue, i know the effort that is required to do the dancing i have been doing whether i excel at the coordination or not i am still actively building up a very healthy sweat and it is a COMPLETELY different experience to sitting on a beanbag playing video games and stuffing my face with doritos. However they were pretty and skinny and i am fat. That was enough- i LET that be enough to allow them to judge me.. but who the hell are they to find me wanting? Yes i talk to much, I like to embrace silly and wacky moods, I am not perfect and i fail constantly but i am me and really i like my quirks. I do, mostly.. and i know I KNOW how hard i try, am trying to better myself, to be better.. So i can't be perfect. SO WHAT?! If being perfect means looking stunningly gorgeous yet being so venomous that i have to shatter the aspirations of others to make myself feel superior then they can keep it. The cost is too high.
And after writing that whole sordid event down and making a gigantic deal of something that transpired in less than five minutes i will pull my head out of my arse and return to the point that i did initially start writing about.. sidetracked? me? never.. :oops:
I got my game!!! It's new, it was cheap, it's mine and it's AWESOME. I wanted to go home and play it immediately but more pertinent matters in the guise of food shopping, house hold management and my boy did rear their head and i conceded defeat :) and set about blowing my budget. Sadly i didn't buy any meal replacement shakes this fortnight as i had to prioritise and something solely for my benefit that isn't utterly essential doesn't rank very high on the list.. Generally the way i work it is if more than one person eats it or needs it, it's a priority, with the exception of vegetables as no one that i feed likes them except me yet they are vital so i keep pushing them.. Ima pusher ;)
By 2pm it became evident that as a result of taking the tablets closer together than i normally would, or indeed ever plan to again, or the very few hours sleep i was successful in grasping or owing to the V drink i had chugged (or perhaps it was a combined effort) i was buzzing like a hive of bees :laughing: good sh!t. Bouncing around the store, speaking so rapidly i had to be reminded to pause to take a breath. Not being as insecure or paranoid about conversing with other people.
It is probably wishful thinking to imagine that perhaps my sudden and unusual bout of confidence was not inspired by medications or the deliriums of a mind not well rested but instead earned by the hard work i have put in to overhaul the aspects of myself and my personality that i don't like. It would be nice to look and feel normal.. Not sheep type clone normal just.. human haha.
As my mind is not winding down i am going to attempt to wrest the POINT from this rather lengthy portrayal of the day before i go cross eyed..
Finished shopping, got a taxi home and after putting music on i proceeded to dance around like a mental patient while putting groceries away and tidying the house. A quick glance at the clock showed it would be roughly an hour before my son was dropped off so i decided to try out my game. Love it love it LOVE IT yup so your getting that i didn't mind it then? :p
As i did the walk through first i was initially worried that the workout would be too easy because it was slower to build up tempo but when i unlocked the harder modes in the first couple of songs i realised my fears were unfounded- more moves and speed were incorporated into the number. Just dance 3 is fun and all and i was moving my arms and legs to achieve best possible score/ cardio results but it focuses primarily on arm movements and while it gives you points for moving your legs it doesn't necessarily note if you are moving in sync. Dance central is so much more.. accurate? In just dance if your legs move in the right direction its a win but with dance central the kinect fully monitors your movement and if it's off by a fraction, however marginally the game detects that and tells you about it / scores you on it. Its going to be great to mix and match the games with different days of the week with just dance working my arms and dance central not skimping on the leg movements.
Only did 45 minutes before i was interrupted :) then played with cars for half an hour.
For dinner i had one chicken burger patty grilled and cut into 3, each piece then wrapped in kraft singles cheese slices and then wrapped in a lettuce leaf. Drank 1.5 litres of water today. Tomorrow is a stay at home day and as i wont start baking and wrapping presents til the evening i will have lots of time to dance and drink water. Have been a bit achy today my joints keep clacking.. putting it down to the fact that it's my body growing accustomed to doing stuff every day or the cold weather.. Going to try to get some sleep now so i can go at it as soon as i wake up.


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