Day 1 week 6 (5 on duromine) second script

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So today I got the actual duromine 30mg I took my tablet around 9am and noticed an actual difference in the medication from metermine (generic brand) I instantly felt more energetic and just wanted to move straight away!

I went to town food shopping and forgot my shake :( but I decided to have some Thai seafood and chicken combo with rice.. At the food court and had 3 mouthfuls and was instantly full.
Also had a coke zero

I noticed a dry mouth also straight away and managed to drink 2 Ltrs of water unnoticeable but I did it!!

I had a workout with the class this morning at 6 and did a Zumba routine around 330 went for 20mins and I must say it really brought out the sweats!!

I have dinner cooking ATM chicken meatballs and homemade tomato pasta sauce :) and whole wheat pasta spirals :)

Although I'm not very hungry so I am having a mixed salad (lettuce, corn kernels , cherry tomato, cucumber and parsley )

Am also planning on doing some stomach excercises and some boxing after dinner :)

Hope everyone is excited for Friday!! And are having a positive experience on their own journeys :)
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