Day 20 on Mr D 30mg

  • Author Nattynat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Following on from my last blog,
Did I sleep well on thursday 14 March, NO my eyes started hurting, but maybe its because I was on the computer for a couple of hours.

Friday 15 March
side effects: woke up hungry, dizzy, anxious left ear hurts
Exercise: Nil I was exhausted after training for two hours on thursday
Feeling: grumpy, could not concentrate on applying for jobs, had an argument with my mum because I needed the house to be quite to complete forms for employment. Ended up binge eating for the first time in 3 weeks:(
Did I sleep well, NO. I tossed and turned in bed feeling crap because I ate cake & chips.. I was very disappointed in myself.

Saturday 16 March
Woke up felt like Crap.. my tummy was bloated from the junk food I ate last night
Side effects: not hungry, ear no longer hurts, hands are jittery
Exercise: 1 hour body combat at the gym to get rid of negative thoughts
Feeling: In the morning felt anxious & emotional, but after I exercised I was proud I didn't stay in bed and I went to the gym
I have the house to myself today, i'm going to be productive and apply for jobs asap.
Did I sleep well, Will post in the next blog

For anyone that can relate,
Subject (smoking cigarettes)
I honestly want to quit smoking & although I quit for two years, I know I can quit again, however I want to quit when I reach my goal weight of 57kg. Is anyone else in the same boat as me?
Ps, I used to smoke 12 mg then 6 mg & now 1mg. I really want to quit like theres no tomorrow, any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Have a great weekend everyone


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