Day 21 ☺

  • Author missduromine
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
21 Days passed..
Start at 89 Kgs
Today at 84 Kgs
Total lost 5 Kgs..

*Target 65 Kgs*
19 Kgs more to reach target..

Side effect got better than the 1st week. I feel full of energy and ofcourse it make me not craving for all junk food and snack.

At night still the same, as I sleep very late.. I always feel hungry even i already had dinner.. but im not craving for the food that much until I need to eat supper. but I also not starve myself even is already bedtime, if my stomach hungry, i will eat something... like 3-4 pieces of cracker and go to bed.

I'm satisfied with the results of 21 Days..
What Im trying to tell myself everydat is just.. " Keep Going.. Keep Going.. " even the 2nd weeks I didnt lost much but I just keep going on what I am doing.. and this 3rd week the result is really satisfied me.

About 19 Kgs more to reach my pre pregnancy weight... (phew.. that's a lot)
I just have to remind myself that is not gonna be easy.. wont be so fast to acheived it.. So I won't be disappointed when the progress is slow.. but I know it will slowly go down If I keep myself discipline.

19 Kgs more... if I can lost at least about 4-5 Kgs every months.. then maybe I can acheived it by the next 4-5 months..
I hope I can make it happen.. ☺
Don't give up..
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Hi there,
I'm at the same weight and target weight as you. Thanks for inspiring me. I'm starting Duromine tomorrow :)

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1 min read
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