Day 21... starting 40mg tomorrow

  • Author Deanna78
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well.. after a full 3 weeks I have returned to my GP to reluctantly step on his scales.. ummm - what the??.. just 1.2kg down... Sooooo frustrating!! He talked with me about vsiiting a nutritionist and about choosing fats and proteins over carbs... and about the side effects Ive been experiencing on 30mg.. little sleep, slight dry mouth and somewhat suppressed appetite.. He was going to prescribe another 30mg script, but I asked to try the 40... and he has agreed..
So - tomorrow morning- I shall kick off the day with a boosted kick of duromine and the mindset that this WILL work for me.. mind over matter!

Blubber guts tummy, chunko butt, yuk thighs and big ole arms - be gone with you!! Bugger off - you're such a drag to lug around and quite frankly... I'm just downright over having to carry you every place I go...!!!

SW: 78.5
CW: 77.3
GW: 58
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what are you doing for exercise? i really like HIIT workouts e.g. interval running and strength and conditioning stuff.
Hi Aurora.. have just stepped into a new role.. same profession - different place.. so for the past few weeks - pretty much all my time is at work.. am doing lots of overtime to be sure I am well organised and able to manage a team.. (of 22).. was only thinking on my way home from work last night that the time of year to start duromine probably matters.. If it were spring or summer - daylight is much longer - so time for walking would seem more available (chances are i would stay at work longer.. :confused:).. but Yes.. you are right to ask... I do need to make sure I am taking the time for myself - to make the most of this duromine time.. I will make it a point from now on to finish work when i should so I can come home and take myself for a walk.. Perhaps I should make my walks accountable to you..... :)
We can be accountable to each other! In my previous profession, I used to work 16 hour days so I definitely understand where you can coming from. I work close to home so I catch alot more daylight than most. That and I have a little dog who becomes grumpy if he doesn't get his x2 walks a day.

I'm trying to gym x3 so set a goal and we'll check in! :)
My goal is to leave work by 4pm each day and then to walk for at least 40 minutes - with morning walks and afternoon tramploline time both weekend days...
How did your Monday go? I went for a boxing class today even though I really really wanted to go home after work.
H-hmmm... i worked until 6pm.. didnt get to walk.. yesterday waa an off-beat day right from start.. so many incidentals that needed prioritanising around unscheduled meetings with potential clients having called or visiting... tomorrow's another day...

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