Day 3-4-5

  • Author Arnja
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Sorry I haven't written I've just been busy being awesome.
Totally kidding haha I have been looking after my son who's decided he wants to go to bed a bit later now.

Day 3 - I woke up feeling great because I'd had a great sleep, went to visit partners parents and then went for a drive and I noticed it was getting really hot and I was getting hot flushes but then it went away.. How ever in the afternoon I felt really angry - my partner said it was almost like I was coming down off a drug.. We ended up having a big argument and he said that the pills make me fucked in the head but to me I was normal and didn't really notice much difference. Anyway we made up and everything was fine, then I got my period and I thought that must be why I'm so angry so then I had a milo and went to bed.

Day 4 - I woke up after a good nights sleep and felt really really tired still and had cramps from getting my period and was still feeling quite grumpy.. But I am usually like this - but not as bad.. Felt like my mood was like 10x worse. I was okay during the day - the my partner came home and we were talking like normal and some of the things he said really got to me.. To be honest it wasn't that they annoyed me it's the fact that I gave him $500 as a gift and he told me its "just" $500 like there was nothing to it? So that really upset me - but he blew it out of the water telling me the pills make me a moody cow - but now I'm starting to wonder if he's just using that? Who knows - I did end up telling him that they can make me a bit grumpy but what he said did hurt me.. But one thing I did notice was when I was discussing with him about the $500 it was almost like my brain was working at full speed with what I was saying but my mouth couldn't keep up so I had to keep stopping and slowing down my thought process (if that makes sense) and kept feeling confused about what I was talking about.

Day 5 - Woke up at 5am this morning and so did my son - and felt still very tired, still I had breakfast and my pills etc and cleaned the house then went to play group - but today I've been feeling like I'm in a daze, my brain feels like it's expanding in my head, I know it sounds messed up but that's seriously how it feels (it doesn't hurt just feels like it's stretching) and I feel like I can't really concentrate and everything is a bit hazy almost like my eyes have a coat of very thin fog over them..

I was also wondering if you can take Fluoxetine(Prozac) with Duromine - I have been taking it with duromine and the first few days it was fine but I just looked it up and it said that you could get serotonin syndrome? Did anyone else get this? I'm starting to relate to some of the symtoms so I'm thinking I might go visit the doctor.


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