Day 3 - Afternoon Update

  • Author Elle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well I'm here :) but I'm not quite sure what is going on with the site ?!? if anyone has some info PLEASE let me know !! Let's hope the site management know what they are doing and it will be all back to normal VERY soon !!

But ANYWAYS !! lol . . . I shall get on with it !!

My 3rd Day has gone well. I have not been on the scales tonight. I possibly will before I go to bed, not sure yet. I know I shouldn't do it all the time but it is my little motivator and so far it has just made me more determined !!

I am trying to combine my Duromine with a SureSlim type of diet (which is a low carb diet). I experienced some good success on this diet previously but was always just so hungry so I am hoping that the Duromine will help me there :)

I had a good day at work today. My headache from yesterday has all but disappeared. For most of the day I didn't notice it, but it became more noticable later in the afternoon. Now it is still there but only slight. Still feeling a little hazy now, like my eyes are tired (whidch I am hoping they are because I want to go and sleep !!)

Hunger . . . well I ate breakfast this morning. I didn't eat througout the day and wasn't hungry (and I just didn't have time today - so darn busy). I ate at tea time and I think I was hungry, but I didn't eat too much :) I think I might be feeling hungry now but I am NOT giving into the temptation of going to the kitchen and preparing myself a feast - which I really could do AND the old me wouldn't hesitate, actually the old me would decide not to do it and then find myself over eating anyway.

I suppose the hardest thing I am trying to get over right now is that I never ate because I was hungry, I ate because it made me feel good, so the fact that I am not really feeling hungry is not changing my urge to go and eat. If anyone has any tips or comments on this I would be muchly appreciated !!!

I didn't sleep last night but I am VERY tired tonight so I am hoping to have a really good sleep tonight !! So wish me luck !!


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