day 3 and 4

  • Author mummajessjess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
weird I could have sworn I did my day 3 blog-oh well-day 3 and 4 feel pretty similar anyway-still getting pretty tired by late arvo, I have managed not to eat after dinner the last 2 nights and have 3 small meals...not dry mouth no headaches or any other side effects-
im a little worried though as I spoke to a friend of mine today that had been on duromine a couple years ago-yes she lost weight but said that her and everyone she knows who has had it always puts the weight back on-I don't want to lose it then put it all back on so im really trying to change my habbits and forget that im taking a pill-I like to think its me doing all the will power,
must admit I was curious to see the scale-sneaky peek revealed I was 105 kgs-o 3kg in 3-4 days? not to bad....if I can do 5kgs this first week and again next week ill be cheering-just want to get under triple didgets!!! anyway till necxt time


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