Day 3 - Got up with a headache

  • Author dreamer
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Woke at 3am with a headache panadole helped.
Im finding smaller amounts of food fill me but im hungry later i seem to need snacks. Not ffeeling so cold today. How does everyone cope wit food amounts and snacking.


I use nuts, fruit or berries for snacks. Sometimes a yogurt. My usual meals are breakfast, then snack, lunch (one more snack optional), dinner (the lightest meal). Totally 5 per day. This keeps me full. For breakfast: boiled egg (or cereal bar) and cup of coffee. For lunch: chicken breast (turkey) + green salad +corn (dressing - olive oil, balsamic vinegar or lemon juice), sometimes tomato and white cheese salad; green tea or water. For dinner: light vegetable or chicken soup. These are just my favorite recipes, there are others of course. I make small portions and drink more water to feel full. Your body gets used to it pretty soon.

The whole point is to consume at least 1200 calories a day. If you are afraid you will not lose, try to eat more veggies and drink water. This will naturally fill up your stomach. I also found the less I eat junk food like fast food and pizza the less I am hungry, reduce salt consumption as well. These products contain appetite stimulants so you always feel hungry. And alcohol has the same effect.

Yeah, headaches are common. But don't worry, soon you'll feel better. Good luck!

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