Day 3 of Duromine

  • Author Caitlin Breanna
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Just about to start my 3rd day of Duromine,
Day 1 I didn't eat all day only ate a small chicken wrap for dinner & lots of water. Walked for roughly 1hr
Day 2 again, didn't eat just drank water and some milk, had salt and vinegar chips for dinner. (Woops) I weighed 104.9kg at 7pm walked for roughly 1hr and 30mins
Day 3 (Today) planning to start dieting today and starting protein shakes, also my afternoon walk.
Start Weight-107.9
Current Weight- 104.9
1stGoal Weight- 99.9kg
2ndGoal Weight- 80kg
Ultimate Goal - 65kg
Will Keep updated
Also on Metformin for PCOS


Hello Caitlin, welcome! :)

I am happy for you, happy that you realised you need a good and healthy diet to boost your weight loss. It is very very important for your body to keep a balanced and consistent meal plan throughout the entire Duromine journey. Ideally for the rest of your life, but we all know we are just humans)) So little steps at a time and you will get used to eat healthy foods. Please try to make it 3-5 times daily. Just some small meals or healthy snacks. Duromine known for its appetite suppressant effect, and that's why we love it, but you need to teach your body a healthy eating routine. For a start, make sure you have apples, nuts, or fresh veggies (carrots, lettuce, etc) in your 'lunch bag' every day. If you like cooking, make sure you bake, boil or grill instead of frying.

You will see that healthy food can de also delicious! We have a couple of recipes on the forum, check them out HERE if you are curious.

P.S.: Protein shakes are good, but remember they can't replace your meals completely, you still need some 'chewable' food, better to be vegetables full of fiber for good digestion, as Duromine may cause some discomfort in this department)
Hi Caitlin.
My advice would be to eat small regular meals rather than the protein shakes. That way you should be able to maintain a "healthy eating" regime when you finish the D - Good luck
Hello Caitlin! Welcome to the forum. May your Duromine journey be a successful and pleasant one. Wish you to get to your goal and maintain the weight, so that you never have to think about it again and always feel 100% confident in your appearance and health!!! =)) Girls already gave you tones of tips, and I agree with each and ever of these.

BUT! I didn’t see anything about your plan for exercising… is it there? Are you planning to engage in any kind of physical activity? If you truly want to lose weight as fast as possible, you have to attack those extra kilos from every possible side. =)) Let’s blow it away!!

Ok, well, I’ll be anxiously waiting for your updates, keeping my fingers crossed for your achievements and… have a great day! ;)
Hi Caitlin, how is it going? Is your weekly weigh in day tomorrow? Fingers crossed for good results. If you kept sticking to a good eating and exercising plan I am sure you will boast off with considerable results. However, any result is a result and I am looking forward to hearing from you! Fingers crossed.
Caitlin Breanna
Update Day 11, my side effects have been extreme sometimes, mostly emotional. I have also been having bad headaches an vomiting. I still eat though I try and eat lunch but it makes me feel sick so I just have milk. I have been doing abit of walking. I weighed in today and my current weight is 103.2. So in 11 days I've lost 4.9kg. I'm only 38kg to my goal now
Woow Caitlin! Congratulations to you, dear!!! Losing almost 5 kilos in 11 days is a great result! Keep it up like that!!!

I am sorry to hear about your side effects. Yet, they all seem to be the result of inadequate hydration. Of course, I might be mistaken, but they do look like this. Could you please check if you drink enough water. If not, add some more water and it might help fight your these unpleasant side effects. DO you have any possibility to add any other kinds of exercises, in addition to “some walking”? Please, try to find some time for yourself. Let yourself become stronger, healthier and more toned. You deserve it! If you need any advice about exercising, feel free to ask. Keep my fingers crossed for your successful weight loss way! Best of luck and have a fantastic day!
Hi Caitlin! It’s almost 2 weeks, or it’s already 2 weeks on Duromine? How is it going? Did you introduce any changes in your physical activity? How are you doing with adhering to a proper healthy eating regime? I hope you are going forward without stopping and are moving ahead in a great pace. If you need any advice or support, you know where you can get it, right? =)) Best of luck and have a fantastic weekend!

Blog entry information

Caitlin Breanna
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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