Day 3 - Plan Confession to Psychiatrist

  • Author Joycee
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Night - I'm quite tired today, feeling very cold and a bit 'rushy'. I suddenly feel very hungry, and I had to eat. I was worried that the 'full feeling' is gone forever, but when I start to eat, I felt that I can't shallow.

Exercise: 15min on treadmill

Breakfast: Optislim Bar and a coffee/1 sugar/dash of milk
Lunch: banana, rice crackers and 1 slice of light cheese
Dinner: Chicken stir fry with brocolli and carrot, 1 orange
Snack: 1 raw carrot, 1 yogurt, 1 cup of soup and some rice crackers

I got a Psychiatrist appointment later tonight, and I plan to ask his opinion on Duromine.

Ok, my Psych, he is a great doctor and I trust him. However, when I gently suggest there's a weight loss drug, before I even say what it was, he reacted strongly against it. When I mentioned Duromine, he further strongly reacted and say that I shouldn't take it, if I'm taking it, stop immediately, that it is 'dangerous' (I think that's the word he uses)

This time I was prepared to clarification question, I said what are the % of the risks? Is it 1%, 2%, 20%? He avoided my question.......

*sigh*, so I tried as best I could to inform myself. Wikipedia suggests that the adverse effect is 'Common' (>1%)......... In medical white papers published in 2005 and 2011, discussing mental health patients obesity due to many antipsychotic medications, and they recognised it is an issue...........and they attempted to discuss whether any prescribed diet pills can assist........but the conclusion stated that "due to no controlled clinical studies have been done to date, the patients weight problems should be managed by traditional diet and exercise". This is like wasting time writing a whole lot of words and have said nothing at all.

On the potential drugs interaction website, Seroquel and Duromine interaction is classed as 'Significant'. Later on, I discovered 'Significant' is the second lowest class. It just means there could be a potential of interaction, and regular monitoring are required by doctors.

The 'potential' interaction is (which makes me chuckle)
phentermine oral and quetiapine oral
phentermine oral increases and quetiapine oral decreases sedation and drowsiness.

The classes are:
Drug Interaction Categories

Never use this combination of drugs because of high risk for dangerous interaction
Potential for serious interaction; regular monitoring by your doctor required or alternate medication may be needed
Potential for significant interaction (monitoring by your doctor is likely required)
Interaction is unlikely, minor, or nonsignificant

My opinions are the following:

1) The medical professionals are VERY VERY risk adverse. Basically, if there's a potential risk and no clinical studies have been done, then it is 'unknown', then the risks are unacceptable. At least for us mental health patients.

2) The medical professionals talk to each other, their esteemed colleagues or associates, and somehow they may share the same opinions about things. Otherwise, they may seem 'contradictory' to the outside world. Also whatever drugs are 'popular' may due to pharmaceutical push to the med professionals. (ie my drug Seroquel is or was the 'hot' drug to prescribe).

3) Psychiatrists' field of interest lies in mental health, not weight management. As long as my Bipolar is stable, he probably doesn't concern as much about my weight. Oh, but Duromine is unknown and may jeopardize my Bipolar.

4) Mental Health patients often takes a variety, a combination and cocktails of different drugs, and when there's no clinical data to support the safety and benefits of Duromine for many of these drugs. Doctors thinks that we are too 'high' risks.

4) Duromine hasn't had a 'clean' history, apparently it was taken out of the market in 1997 due to 24 fatalities from heart disease patients who takes this drug. (It probably once was popular). But later studies proved that 30% of the patients already have abnormal heart valve. So it was allowed to go back on the market. (wiki)

5) Like any prescribed drugs, the trust is in us - The Patients to take it responsibly and as prescribed. Any major news, scaremongers highlighting the very worst that can happen to a person taking such and such drugs....But they will never report whether that person may have tempered or play with the dosage.

I'll stick talking and discussing about weight management with a GP and whom has prescribed me the Duromine. I'll also continue monitoring myself, my mood etc, and if I deem necessary, go to the doctor asap otherwise once a month. I'll see my sister (doctor) tomorrow, I'm still tossing between telling her or not.

PEACE and LOVE to all...........xxox :rolleyes:


Wow you did a great research on weight loss using Duromine. Indeed, many doctors know nothing about it except that they heard this drug is 'bad' full stop. Such ignorance scares me, why not search more info before telling anything their patients? Like you said - psychiatrists are only interested in mental diseases, hence they are 'pro' in this field only. Which is not bad at all, but still. I totally support your 'conclusion' - monitor your body state and visit your doc regularly, and I am sure everything is going to be fine.
Wish you luck and desired weight loss!

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