Day 3

  • Author chrissykay23
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read

Today was horrible!! i experienced bloating/constipation for the first time ever!!
i got the feeling on day 2 before bed but nothing i experienced on day 3! i was in so much pain that i didnt no wether i was hungry or full or feeling sick!! i would have a bite of somthing and the moment iv swolled i was in so much pain id have to get up and stand or walk around to ease it because i didnt no what was going on!! i thought it may of been cramping or nausea because everytime i would sit down id want to throw up!! it was horrible!! i went to the bathroom and everything felt a little better! alot of burping which subsided the pain!

i read you can take some movicol.. but i chose not to and see if the pain would ease and go away! AND IT DID!!

one thing i did get which i wasnt sure if it was normal.. but i got very light headed!, and i felt like my surroundings or objects were slightly bigger then me! it only lasted for a few minutes and then went away! wasnt sure if it was my body trying to adjust..
so far iv enjoyed taking duromine only because im eating smaller portions, healthier options and exercising as normal but seeing those scales go down!! not only that but i like seeing all that candy and saying "i dont feel like that, i dont want that!!" when i look at a massive plate of food or a carb infested dish i get sick just looking at it! its really changed my way of thinking and its opened my mind a little more when deciding whats for lunch or dinner!
its day 3 and i feel like im getting a symptom each day! haha but on the plus side i feel better about myself! and thats what i want!


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