Day 3

  • Author Rachel12111
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well after day 3 I still have the dry mouth!! drinking nearly 4 litres of water!! its not a bad thing but going to the loo constantly is annoying haha

So far so good..... still no want to eat, I know that I need to so that is the struggle.

One other thing is the broken sleep I am getting its strange because I feel exhausted but wide awake and have energy if that can even make sense.


Hi Rachel...You should read other forums online as like you 3 days in I just had no appetite at all but you must make yourself eat ...Healthy of course or the weight will pile back on...Even if you eat small just eat something. I love it except I have come out in a rash so I'll need to talk to my Dr about that...Also I am a sun worshipper and I just read that taking this and sunbaking is an absolute no no...Glad I read this as now I will stay away from lying in the sun which apparently if you do makes you burn and come out in a worse rash....All the best. :)

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