Day 3

  • Author TheOriginalBeauty
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Welcome to day #3!

So today once again I was wide awake at 4:30am!!! This is beyond crazy, but I'm sucking it up simply because I know it will not last long. I finally decided at 5:30am to get up and go to the gym, being tired was not going to stop me. I was in and out of the gym by 7:30am, 7kms walked and 75 minutes. Talk about dedication right? I love walking because I can get some time alone and it doesn't flare the fibro. I'm so proud of myself for getting this far and not letting fear hold me back. I was so worried about the side effects because of horror stories I saw on the internet.

Current side effects: lack of appetite, sometimes I'm a little jittery, peeing a lot, and partial insomnia. They are currently no where was bad as I had read.

What I'm trying to focus on right now is the quality of food. I can not seem to stomach a lot lately so I'm trying to make sure I'm eating t he right foods. Does this make any sense? I have these fears once I stop taking duromine (it would be when I'm 15 kilos lighter) that I will gain the weight back. That is a HUGE fear of mine. I need to worry about that when the time comes and that is not today. What I really need help with is maintaining my weight, does anyone have advice for that? I'm so excited knowing that of June next year I will be at my goal and NOTHING will stop me. I can wear what I want, I won't be second guessing myself. It will be amazing. I'm beyond excited to get to my goal...It gives me so much hope. I finally believe in myself.

I have only told my husband that I'm taking duromine because honestly I do not want to hear peoples stories of friends or see their reactions. Honestly it is none of their business.

Breakfast: Strawberries and blueberries.
Lunch: Chicken schnitzel subway with 1 cookie.
Dinner: Roast turkey, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and gravy.
Dessert: 1 banana
Exercise: 75 minutes treadmill.
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