Day 3

  • Author Ohtobeslim
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
When I turned 45 I stopped smoking after 20 years. I weighed 48Kg and felt fabulous. My eating habits didn't change much, but I slowly picked up the pounds and my weight has yo-yo'd ever since.
I know exactly what my demons are.... Salt and Vinegar chips and red wine! My mouth is salivating at the idea of those darn chips as I speak but I couldn't force one down my throat as I sit here. I am on day 3 of taking Duromine and my appetite is totally suppressed. I am feeling totally motivated as I have already lost around 2Kg's. My problem is chest pains. I thought I was having a heart attack last night. Not that I know what that feels like, but the pain started off like I had swallowed a huge hard boiled sweet and I got that feeling of when it gets "stuck down your back". The pain was in line with my underarms, slap bang in the middle of my spine, then proceeded through my body to my chest. The spasm was intense and lasted around 15 seconds and kept coming back in waves about every 30 minutes. I take medication (Trustan) for a hernia but had forgotten to take a tab yesterday morning. I ran to the kitchen and swallowed 2 glasses of Eno's as I thought this was indigestion, took my Trustan tablet, and went to bed. Had another few spasms and swallowed 2 Gaviscon sachets. I finally settled down pain free for the rest of the night. I say "settled down" because I haven't slept a full nights sleep since I started with Duromine 3 days ago. The first night I must have got about 3 hours sleep but had loads of energy and wasn't tired at all the next day. Last night was about a total of 4 hours. I kept waking up every 2 hours for about 2 hours, then went back to sleep. I've been feeling quite fresh all day so far. I'm off to my GP now to see if he thinks the chest pains could be related at all.


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