Day 3!!

  • Author mummajessjess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
so decided to take tablet a little later this morning-seemed to help as hunger was less tonight- I went for a nice bike ride with my kids and realy just made a conscious effort to drink water and keep away from bread...I had a little moody episode tonight but wasn't to bad-I am currently coming off my anti-depressants to so that will take some time for me to regulate..all in all I am feeling positive and am really looking forward to seeing if I lost weight this week, my goal is 80kg the dream is 70kg but mini goal number one is under 100kgs-the ill just take it 5kgs at a time-looking at the big picture and thinking wow 38kgs is so much to lose-so just focusing on the small wins- first lets get int the 90's:) anyway off to bed and into anoter day


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