Day 3

  • Author tams86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I couldnt get to a computer yesterday so is a day late. Ooops.. lol.

I doubled my duromin dose to 30mgs today and instantly the hunger stopped. I still felt peckish around meals and have eaten so well all day. I can eat a tuna and cheese toasted sandwich and feel done wheras before Id eat 2 and sometimes look around for something else as well.

I had mummy bootcamp this morn ... we did alot of arm work and some running. Afterwards I went to my friends house where we had out tuna sangas followed by a 2hr swim. I had both the girls on my back (combine 40-ish kgs) so def got a workout from running them around the pool on my back as I was their "horsie". lol.

I had huge craving for a juicy pear, im not sure if it was the thought of the liquid or the fact it was sweet or food in general that had my mouthwatering. Needless to say that pear was freaking amazing!!

I was really naughty and had a happy meal for tea. To be honest it didnt even taste that great. I think the fact grocery shopping took so long and me not being prepared before hand was to blame. I had 3 nuggets, half a sml fries and a small fanta. Usually Ill devour a quarter pounder in a large meal topped off with a sundae so was quite proud that I did only eat a small amount compared to usual.

Finished the night off with some lovin' with my man ... sorry for the tmi, but hey its classified as excercise :) hehehe.

No side effects for the 30mg dose, still tired at an early hour. Was way less hungry then when i was on 15mg.


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