• Author Treadmeal
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Strange nights sleep. Though yawning, didn't drop off easily, and only slept approx. 3 hours. Feels like longer. Hopped on the scales and have dropped 1 kilo in 2 days. Not experiencing any other side effects aside from the dry mouth...which encourages me to drink water, so see that as a plus.

Otherwise I'm finding I am able to eat healthy, without ending up raiding the fridge/ panty at the end of the day. Decided to delay exercise at present, being early days, just focus on nutritious foods and lots of fluids, let this ole bod have an opportunity to cleanse itself.

Feeling positive and motivated :)
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I did the same I just got use to the reduction in food & basically detoxing my body of all the junk....I didn't exercise for at least 3-4 weeks ... Now I look forward to getting on the treadmill yes it's true lol :p I like the feeling of being in control of my own body again .. & I want to lose the weight it's as simple as that ... I am 100% doing this for me... I'm so happy that your saying you are feeling positive & motivated that's the key ..have a fabulous week :)
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i didnt get bad side affects only the dry mouth, i found that due to my exercise routine that it used up my energy at gym and then wen it came to sleep i had no prob sleeping.
i do 2hours of gym everyday mix of cardio and light weights but i do it in the morning at 8am and that seems to tire me out :rolleyes:

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