DAY 4-5

  • Author GC10Hormones
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Starting Weight - 70kg
Current Weight - 68.6
Yesterdays Weight - 68.5
Total Loss - 1.4kg
Goal weight 1= 62
Goal Weight 2= 60

Had a great night out last night, for a great friends birthday, I knew it was going to be a splurge, cake, alcohol, restaurant food and cocktails - So I did the best I could. Kept the conservation in a good healthy choice for a meal - not too big.

The hardest part for me is the social indulgences and comfort eating. I love food so much. Lets see XX


Hello there! Welcome to the forum! Great job on holding yourself accountable for what and how much you ate. It’s always hard to monitor yourself when partying. However, you did the right thing – you need to socialize as much as you can, i.e. talk talk talk, dance, sing, play, anything but spending long time alone with your plate. It’s the best strategy to use on such occasions. And, of course, alcohol and Duromine are incompatible, so better avoid alcohol. You can have non-alcoholic drinks and make it unnoticeable, so no questions are asked… or say that you’re on an antibiotics course and can’t drink alcohol. (just a suggestion. In fact, that’s what I did, when I did not want to answer a lot of questions)

Hopefully, any social event that you will have to visit during Duromine course will offer healthy options and you will enjoy them without needing to explain anything or feel deprived of the food fun. =))

Have a great week and enjoy the changes!

PS. Did you manage to increase your activity level? The weight loss is great!

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1 min read
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