Day 4 and a gain!!!

  • Author Vix
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
all was good, no hunger , no headaches , no dry mouth, though I didn't eat much!
Sleep was the usual waking often every hour or so but straight back to sleep, yay
Was in a teary mood but think that has a lot to do with my daughter and all our hospital visits!!!
I have a habit of getting caught up with my kids crap and running here and there all the time, I MUST also make time for me to eat!!

Breakfast: Two piece toast with vegemite
Lunch: nothing
Dinner: Paul's low fat custard and oatbran
Snack: about 12 dried apricots and 12 Samaya rice crackers

Ate about 885 calories yet STILL gained weight this morning 500grams. Not sure why but maybe not enough water? Couldn't go loo lol.
Tomorrow here's hoping for a loss!
Will be interesting to see the results after 1 week as I know weight fluctuates yet insist on weighing myself daily :)

If anyone's interested in a great calorie app I use Easy Diet Diary free from Apple Store and has most Australian foods.. Also has a bar code scanner to scan food not already in there. Counts your calories. Proteins, carbs fats etc . Fantastic app!! So glad I found it

Loss now Gone to 2.6 bugger.... Yet I did nothing wrong . Tomorrows a new day
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Hi Vix.. Its disappointing, isnt it to not lose much or to gain..!! Im only down a few kg:

SW: 78.5kg
CW: 74.6kg in four weeks. Seems so little, but 2.9kg more than I would have shaken without duromine at the moment. Leaves me with 16.1 kg to go until i resch my goal... I suppose we need to remember that every small number - is a number.. and numbers add up.. we need to lesrn to celebrate our little milestones!
So true!!
Will be good to see what happens come Monday as that's 1 week, I know I've done nothing wrong so glad for that no junk food ,overeating etc like I fell back into before so all good. Feel so much better though for the small loss
Youve done well for 4 weeks
Keep up the great work xxxx
Hi Vix, one week in on Monday for you- fingers crossed you have a great result! Apparently I can't subtract simple numbers when I wake in the small hours of the night... have lost 3.9kg so far.. not 2.9 - small Happy Dance!! It just seems like such a long way to go. I remember being a good 25kg (+) lighter - and feeling free to wear what I liked... I'm just so tired of having clothes in my wardrobe that I can't fit into!! I begrudge having to buy new 'big' clothes..!! I just can't wait Vix.. and I know you can't either to look and feel good in your skin again..!! I know its supposed to be just a 3 month stint.. but I reallly hope to be able to continue with Duromine until I at least hit that 60kg milestone...
Have had to resort to laxettes again this weekend- duromine has the same effect on me as it does you in that way! Makes me wonder how the numbers on the scales could alter if not for that issue! I only weigh in once a week.. I don't want to feel disappointed at all, so hold out for that reason mainly... but I also dont want to 'Good Job' myself if I see results through the week..
It interests me soooo much to see how people will begin to interact with me in different ways - with all this weight gone!! Wonder too how I might begin to react to them in return? See.. my eldest sister was horrible towards me when I was slim.. said some awful things to me.. and my partner was ridiculously mistrusting of me as i travelled quite a bit for work. It was for both of them that I ate myself into this awful state - so they might change their ways with me... My sister and I don't talk anymore - so I lost that relationship anyway and I also left my great job... my partner was of course happy he made me feel I had to.. but gee - I have resented that time in my life and how I tried to please people I loved... I want my figure again.. and now that I am much older and wiser.. there is No Way I will allow anyone to manipulate my sense of self again.. just so they are comfortable.. I have my life to finish living - and I want to be slim for the rest of it!! I Just Can't Wait...!!!
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