Day 4 and no weight loss

  • Author candycrush
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Good Day

I started using duromine 30mg Monday and have been eating very small portions and at least tried here and there to eat healthy and have been doing 1 hour exercise but haven't lost any kgs so far for 4days now is there something I am doing wrong? anyone to advise me on what i should do to start loosing kgs? would gladly appreciate it


Hi, Candycrush :)

I don't think you're doing something wrong, the diet seems fine, the amount of physical activity - perfect and I am sure your attitude is proper as well. It's just too soon to expect really great changes and weight loss, please understand this. I know you're probably expecting to lose at least the same amount of weight as many other in here, but people are different and the best thing you can do right now - is focus on your own regimen and results.

I am sure you will achieve your desired goal and your first weight loss will show up soon, just don't pressure it yet. I have a guess: you said you've been eating 'very small portions' - too small maybe? Because when your body does not get enough nutrients (especially when you cut them sharply), it starts to 'hold' the fat deposits because it thinks you are starving, so you need these fat deposits to stay alive. I hope it makes sense. Anyway, go on and weigh in after a week or even two, you'll see the difference I am sure.

Please don't worry, everybody goes through it some day and we understand your concern very well. Been there myself. You may use this blog as your daily journal and record your results. Good luck and believe in good!

Good day kate

Thanks i understand and will try to stay positive i think i should not weigh myself everyday and my body have a funny feeling i think its adjusting to the duromine and exercise,today i am my old self again and wont let the scale keep me from being the person i want to be
Hi Candycrush- my loss is slow too and i have given in to chocolate a few times but i am seeing results. Patience is key i think.. your own timeline differs from everyone else's- I struggle to be patient but know i need to be. And you are right to decide to weigh yourself less often.. generally i will weigh myself once a week but i will wait longer if i dont think results will reflect loss

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