Day 4 epic fail

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
yes epic fail woke up late went to work barley made it through didnt get on the tredmil didnt walk the dogs and to make it an epic fail i had almost 2 blocks of chocolate i had to go to the shop get fresh veg and it was the afternoon i was feeling week and low about duromine not working and paying so much money for them chocolate was on sale and some how ending up in the basket!
i get home sit down the chocolate is nxt to me and i find myself having a huge fight in my head about eating it giving pros and cons almost ready to hit my head on the table then BAM i eat the chocolate ill stop at one row NO 3 hours later all the chocolate was gone and then i realise i was screaming at myself in my mind to eat or not to eat meanwhile the chocolate is sitting there not talking to me not making me eat it just sitting there and yet it won HOW THE HELL did that happen im a person i make my choice i talk i have emotion and theres this chocolate winning me over!!!! WTF

anyway 2moro im going to take 2 duromine pills bringing my dose to 30mg hoping that im not going to be so tired and seems metallllly weak to friggin chocolate
Saturday 2moro i will do the tred twice and its ment to rain so if i cant take the dogs out ill do the tred 3 times and ill put the pups on the tred to they love it.


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