Day 4 first blog by Alex younie

  • Author Alex younie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone i am 22 female and have been on duromine for 4 days now. My experience has ups and downs when it comes to side effects. Im on 30mg tablets

Ups: apetite very low, and hunger controlable. Feel very awake in the morings

Downs: feel dizy and light headed at times, usually in the afternoon, can take longer to fall asleep than usual. Head aches first few days. Figity all the time lol.

I have been doing light exercise like walking in the moring before work for 20-30 mins and walking in my 30 min lunch break at work. I also have been eating under 1000 calories a day and am fine with that as the hunger just isnt there as much.

My results so far:

Starting weight: 95.2kg 15/07/2018
Current weight: 91.8kg 18/07/2018
Mini goal: 80kg
Ultimate goal: 70kg
Total lost so far: 3.8kgs

I find that drinking lots of water helps make me feel better.


Hello Alex! Welcome to the forum! Looks like everything is going pretty well. Have a successful weight loss journey!

Blog entry information

Alex younie
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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