Day 4 - have i peaked already?!

  • Author Givingitago
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So the last two days I've noticed that the appetite suppression isn't working as much anymore. I am still eating smaller portions but i am feeling more hungry.

Especially today all I can feel is my hunger. I was so hungry i scoffed down vietnamese rolls on the way home (not even 6 yet) and then was super hungry again by 7! So i had some roasted veggies and unfortunately i forgot to defrost fish in the morning so i had some eggs. Right now as I am typing this all i can think of is how hungry I am! I am not sure if this is normal but it totally feels like the opposite of what I am supposed to be feeling and what I felt the first two days. Have I peaked already?!

Anyways, hoping tomorrow is a better day.

In terms of mood swings I think I have been fairly okay. Nothing's really triggered anything and i have been fairly balanced I think.

In terms of exercise i've been doing interval training the last two days on the treadmill. About 45-60 minute each time. Unfortunately not much running as my bung knee is still bunged out! :-(

Updated: Just read about mini goals.

First mini goal: 70kgs by March 30.


Hi again! People do read blogs, yet not as often as they read and comments threads on the forum. =) I read everything.

Ok… so… did you drink lots of water today? If the hydration was insufficient, you might “feel hungry”, while being thirsty. It is quite a common problem, when your body sends wrong signals. And you keep eating, instead of having just a glass of water, which will solve the problem for a long time.

Another thing is that Duromine effect is such an unpredictable thing… you might wake up tomorrow and again see quite an opposite effect. Yet, if it does have lower efficiency, many people report it is useful to skip a day and then continue with your usual Duromine schedule.

Could you please provide your approximate schedule for the day of yesterday. I mean both, the eating and the activity. Let’s see, what’s going on, if Duromine doesn’t restart in the morning.

Hope so much that everything returns to the not-hungry side and you will enjoy your weight loss process.

Hope your knee gets better soon and… well done on setting the mini-goal. I think, it is a good mini-goal and I like it that you are regarding the process with widely open eyes, and not put any super-goals as mini ones =)
Hi April,

I do think that I was dehydrated and realised that I did not take my water bottle out of my bag. I did start drinking more throughout the rest of the afternoon however I was still super hungry by the time I was writing the post.

Yesterday, I woke up around 6 and had a pill.

Breakfast around 7: Kale shake with Fruit
Early Lunch 11am: Cauliflower soup
Late lunch 2pm: Vietnamese roll
Driving home 5:30pm: Vietnamese roll

Dinner 8pm: Roasted veggies and 2 eggs.

Yes, i read the mini goal posts and thought it was a good idea.
My long term goal would probably be to get down to 60kgs by July 1. A bit of a stretch goal but hopefully doable. I think I'll update my first post with this. I am using this blog to keep myself accountable and to take note of successes, weak moments but also side effects.
It’s good you noticed the poor water intake and compensated it. You should NOT forget to drink or eat while taking Duromine. It can lead to quite unpleasant results, so be careful.

And now… stop! Your breakfast should be your afternoon snack, and not your breakfast. You should have proteins and carbs for breakfast, like a whole-wheat toast with a poached egg, or cottage cheese, with avocado spread or tomato, or whatever you choose. The main thing is to make your breakfast very nutritious. OR you can add some oats to your shake. You need the proteins, carbs and fiber to fill you up for a long time. Having kale shake with fruit probably triggered your hunger. Fruits do have high acidity, and while it doesn’t really matter for some people, others tend to become hungry wolves after having a slice of apple. Review your breakfast and make it fuller. Hope, that helps! Best of luck!

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