Day 4 - Morning

  • Author Elle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Had a really good sleep last night !! Was really good ! and I have woken up feeling great !! I didn't want to get out of bed because it is FREEZING here :(

I weighed myself again just to see what had happened overnight and it was good news !! The scales read 133.9 . . . which is a 3.2 kg loss :) YAY !! I know my weightloss isn't going to keep going like this (BUT I certainly won't complain if it did !!)

I am on 40mg tablets which is probably why I have lost a good amount of weight so far and maybe combined with the fact that I am trying to steer cleer of most carbs.

I have a feeling in my stomach at times which could be hunger, but then I am not really too sure ?? It is a weird feeling but I can't exactly say I am hungry but then I can't exactly say I am not hungry ?? I am wondering if it is because my mindset before starting on Duromine . . . which was basically just EAT !! not thinking about the consequences.

Here's to another good day !! Talk to you all later :)



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