Day 4

  • Author chrissykay23
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Its Day 4!

And man oh man im seeing RESULTS!!

as usual im up at 6:30!! 30 minutes before i HAVE to get up for work! My eyes and mind and body are up and want to get the day started... but i wanted to sleep more!! I must say 5 1/2 hours of sleep each night for the last 3 nights are making me exhausted... and thats how i was today.. tired..

for the last 3 days iv had minor symptoms/ side effects from duromine but nothing to worry about.. so i was happy that Day 4 didnt involve stomach cramps.., headaches.. nuasea.. heart racing!!! oh lord..
i was just tired.. The whole morning has gone so slow... i was set a task that normally takes me 5 mins to do and because i had 2 of the same job to do, it should have taken me 10 MINUTES!! but it didnt... it took me a whole 1 hour and 15 minutes!! i couldn't believe it.. i kept thinking maybe this is what "SPACED" out feels like or "ïs".. but must say its CRAP!! i had no energy, i felt bland.. i felt lost.. like i lost track of time.. i was really quiet and wasn't my usual self.. it was really strange.. considering i took duromine at 8am by 11am i had a burst of energy all of a sudden and was hard to catch in the office!!

Now thats its day 4 and i have been eating smaller portions, i no how much i can eat and how much i should plate up! that was the real main reason of being on this! i already knew what to eat before all of this happened, i just ate 2 much of it and it caused me to gain 10kgs.. and maintain 75-76 kgs for the last year and a half!

Its not just a quick fix!! not just to see how much i should be eating!! and how much i use to eat when i wasn't taking this but realizing if i continue to do my normal routine(gym, healthy food, water) and eat the same portion size on the same plate after these 3 months i guarantee you i can maintain it... this drug isn't a magic pill for weight loss.. yes it stops you from eating so much, stops the cravings that has made us over weight and unhappy.. but its showing us what we should be eating and doing as a lifestyle! not just for 3 months! so for me its working and having the right mind set and dedication, determination for a life time and not just a GOAL, we all will have successful weight-loss!

so far these last 3 days i have dropped 2.5kgs!! Im very happy with the result!! it may not seem alot for the first week but its more then i have asked for in a long time.. and plus i have another 3 more days and my first week is UP! Im excited to see where i am on those silly scales and most importantly how i feel.. At the end of the day or week or month i no i have done the hard work.. not this pill.. because you have to work for it, eat right for it and LESS!! too see the results! and thats what my lifestyle should be! and is!!
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