Day 4

  • Author shaypup
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Another day is such an un usual feeling not wanting to snack all day. This afternoon my kids were out of the house and I was really scared I would do my usual binge when left alone...I had made fresh choc chip cookies for their morning tea the night before. Normally I would easily eat 5 or 6....not today I didnt even eat one!!!!!!!!!!! That is a huge step forward for me.
I slept better last night, still not great but better. I also dont seem to be quite so thirsty.
Still going to hold off on weighing myself, I really want to see a large weight drop rather than small ones along the way.


Good for you! It is great when you can see the difference and that the drug actually helps. Kind of motivation. But I personally wasn't so sure about my willpower and would not test myself making cookies... well, if you feel strong then I guess it's OK. Good luck with your first weigh in! ;)
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